
Do you think Jury trials should be done away with?

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As it stands there are 12 people on a jury.The vote by the juriors HAS to be unanimous (12 vote guilty or NOT guilty.If 5 say not guilty and 7 say guilty,its a hung jury,defendant goes free.)

If a man of a certain race (orange)is accused of murdering a man of another race(green) the prosectures will want as many greens in the jury pool to sway for a guilty conviction.The defense will want as many orange in the jury pool to help get a non guilty or a hung jury. How many people have been found either guilty or not guilty ONLY because of their skin color.

From what I've been told being on a jury is no fun.Unless its a high profile case,no one wants to be there.$5 a day to sit and be bored??

We are all suppose to be judged by a jury of our peers but my peers know how to get out of jury duty,so I'm screwed.

Isnt there a better way?




  1. I think's a big joke......forget for a second the loss of production from the working folks having to serve but you will never find an impartial jury....people always hide something......give me a 5 judge panel elected by the people....they won't be perfect but you better believe it will be better.......

  2. Sure, it sucks, but  would you just rather have your guilt or innocence decided by a judge??? Before you answer, just remember a judge is an elected official who has to run for re election.

  3. There is a better way, but what? The fifteen dollar check I just got was a slap in the face! I love being American and having my freedom, and I see the need for change in every area of government not just judicial. I would rather not get stoned and hung in the town square like some people, but be careful what you wish for? LA county should punch every juror they have had on OJ, Phil Spector, and Robert Blake. Good and sad question!

  4. If I am guilty, I'd rather have a jury....if I am innocent, give me a judge every time.   We have seen how juries s***w things up so many times.  They let killers (OJSimpson) go free and find innocent people guilty, per DNA tests that have freed many of those innocent people....and some have been on death row!

  5. Upgraded Lie Detectors...........Blessings Yahoo

  6. No

  7. It's rather obvious you've never been on a jury.  I've done it twice and found it an interesting experience both times.

    FYI, you don't want to be judged by *your* peers.  People that only want to get out of jury duty are pinheads.  Nay, you want to be judged by people who actually take the duty seriously.

    And, no, a "hung jury" does not mean the defendant goes free.  (Again, you display ignorance of the system when stating that.)  A trial resulting in a hung jury is tried again with a new jury.  The first trial for which I was a juror was such a case...the first time one juror refused to convict the guy.  Mine was the second trial for the defendant (on the same charges) and we convicted him.

    You are mistaking a hung jury for a which procedural mistakes are made or evidence was tampered with, resulting in the inability for the court to give a fair trial.

    Beyond that, no, it's not a perfect system.  But I don't see you suggesting a better alternative. And despite some high profile cases, you are also mistaken in your assumption of how much ability the prosecution and defense lawyers have in picking the jurors.  Again, you would know this if you had ever gone through the process yourself.

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