
Do you think Kane is going to get his long overdue push & hold a world title longer then 24 hrs ? ?

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With JBL turning into a jobber to uplift the younger talent he has zero credibility to be the next heel champ. With that said it would make sense for him to get the belt... I could be wrong...

your thoughts ?




  1. you have a strong point.. kane for me is the most deserving in the heel category for the much coveted title.. i do hope that he'll get his push, besides, it's been long overdue..

  2. I would really like to see Kane have the title and longer then a week. Have more of a real title run. Have a little more psycho from him, not the psycho that hurts anyone but the kind that screws with peoples heads like Taker does. JBL is a good heel, but not right for the belt right now. Theres been plenty of chances for WWE to push Kane, with all the psycho moments theyve done with him. They just haven't taken it as far as they should have.

  3. i think so, i think Kane is actually gonna win at Unforgiven and its about time he got a well deserved push

  4. Kane is the most deserving champion candidate. I cant believe he's stuck with WWE this long when they havent allowed him to 1. Win a Royal Rumble 2. Get a World Championship

    Although I guess The ECW champion is considered a "World Championship", not really though.

  5. He has got the ECW championship belt recently, and by a spectacular and comical way, by defeating Chavo in 8 seconds in Wrestlemania.

    By any standards, I think it is a push in its own right.  

  6. Nah

  7. I hope so

    he really needs and desrves it

    and over on the sd side jeff should get his push  

  8. I really want Kane to win. I can see him going all crazy near the end of the 20 minutes and everyone gets crushed. Then Kane finally wins. He's beyond way overdue. He definetally needs to win this match. I will be very upset if he doesn't. As a fan of's been so frustrating over the years. I mean I like his role...he likes it too. but he def needs that title. I'm getting angry at the creative team. I really hope Kane wins this coming ppv! Since both Kane and Batista are "hurt" I think they are making it look like them two have a lower chance of winning. when the match comes though it will be down to them two near the end of the match and Kane will finally kick major butt and win. I think something along the lines of that will happen. At first i was pisssed because i heard rey...and im like great kane won't win because he will go all crazy on rey and whatever. but i have a feeling Kane has the best chance at winning. I hope it happens!

  9. I have to say, I'm not a Kane fan.  I don't see him as being "overdue" for a title run of any kind, let alone the World Title.  To me, with Cena out of the picture, Batista is the most likely candidate to walk out of Unforgiven with the belt.  He's way over and they've been pushing him consistently since he moved back to Raw.  Punk's chances of retaining are slim, but I don't see Kane taking the title from him.  JBL and Rey Mysterio's chances of winning the Unforgiven main event are essentially none.  JBL has lost cleanly to Punk twice in the last month and Mysterio has only wrestled one televised match since February, and that was against Santino.

    I can't imagine Kane being World Champ.  To me, that would be the worst case scenario.  I find Kane boring, and he also seems like the guy who never wins the gold.  It would be weird seeing Kane with the World Title.  Batista, on the other hand, is one of those guys who just always seems to be in championship contention (like Triple H or John Cena) who you would expect to have the championship.

    That's just my opinion.  Take it or leave it.

  10. I think We May See The Kane Era Begin

  11. Its on the way...

  12. Kane is probably the most UNDERATED wrestler to ever live. he deserves the gold but yet WWE would rather give it too people with no talent in ring or the mic just talent at merchendise sales. wich is pretty d**n pathetic to see what wrestling has come too

    With JBL Now Jobbing, and the likely hood of Kane Jobbing to Rey. it looks like either Punk or Batista will hold the title unti the return of Randy Orton  

  13. no way ohsay hes better without the belt  

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