
Do you think Kilauea's new activity might affect CO2 readings?

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Kilauea now out gassing:

"Did you know they measure Carbon Dioxide directly at Mauna Loa in Hawaii? Did you know that Kilauea is just a couple of miles from this point and it is possibly the most active Volcano on the face of the earth" -

Did you know that Volcanoes outgas CO2 for centuries after they erupt and Volcanoes continue to accumulate?

Did you know scientists have absolutely NO idea how many active undersea volcanoes exist?




  1. this volcano last erupted 35000 years ago and still puts out large amounts of CO2

    where is data from other places around the world that are not volcanoes,

    i worked in the chemical and mining industry's as a EMT safety man and i used to take CO2 reading on a daily bases so i know that there are many places that have the ability to take the readings

    why is the only reading we hear about are the ones from kilauea

    are the AGW people hiding something.

  2. I do know that Mt. Kilauea's CO2 output by itself is more than every car in the United States over the course of the entire year.  That is just one example of how miniscule man's footprint on the climate really is.

  3. Not a chance.  Look at the data for 30 years.  See any eruptions in there?

    They use the Mauna Loa site because it has some of the LEAST contaminated air on Earth.  Observations all over the Earth confirm the Mauna Loa data.

    A typical "skeptic" argument that falls apart when you actually look at the DATA.

    This one is even worse:

    "I do know that Mt. Kilauea's CO2 output by itself is more than every car in the United States over the course of the entire year."

    Volcanoes emit just a tiny fraction of what Man does.  Once again look at the DATA.

    "T.M.Gerlach (1991, American Geophysical Union) notes that human-made CO2 dwarfed the estimated global release of CO2 from volcanoes by at least 150 times."

    The DATA is the reason that most scientists in the world agree that global warming is real, and mostly caused by us.  The Admiral has it right:

    "I wasn’t convinced by a person or any interest group—it was the data that got me. I was utterly convinced of this connection between the burning of fossil fuels and climate change. And I was convinced that if we didn’t do something about this, we would be in deep trouble.”

    Vice Admiral Richard H. Truly, USN (Ret.)

    Former NASA Administrator, Shuttle Astronaut

    EMT-B - see my second cite for data from stations at many locations.  No one is hiding anything.

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