
Do you think Kurt Vonnegut was still a Humanist when he died?

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Also do you think his beliefs as a Humanist fostered the themes of time and time travel in his works?




  1. I don't see why not. I recently read "Armageddon in Retrospect", a little book of his short stories and personal writings post-'Slaughterhouse'. I believe his experiences in Dresden impressed upon him the indelible and characteristic humanist ideology he expounds upon in nearly every page in every story he's written. I wouldn't naturally correlate that belief, however, with his fetish for time travel. Perhaps that was his longing for nostalgia.

  2. According to Wikipedia:

    Vonnegut also served as honorary president of the American Humanist Association (AHA), having taken over the position from his late colleague Isaac Asimov, and serving until his own death in 2007.  In a letter to AHA members, Vonnegut wrote: "I am a humanist, which means, in part, that I have tried to behave decently without expectations of rewards or punishments after I am dead."

    I would say that yes, he remained a Humanist until his death.  I'm not certain I see any connection between humanism and time/time travel themes.  The connection has never crossed my mind before.  

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