
Do you think LSD is addictive/dangerous or in fact safe and good?

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I've heard from a lot of people that LSD is in fact not dangerous at all and causes beautiful life-changing experiences. What do you think, and have you ever tried it? I think the governments make FAKE studies and teach children FAKE information about this kind of drug

I mean I respect all opinions of course, I've heard, though, that there's virtually no way to "accidentally" overdose on the stuff, since even a powerful dose in like not even a milliliter. Not sure what to think




  1. Oh yes you can definitly overdose, from someone close to me i no put him out for about 8 hours with no reality type thing and then he gradually came right after a 24 hours. But anyway i love this drug and i think it is soo worth it just make sure you no who you are getting it off and no how strong the strength is, it varys from different makers.And if its your first time, start with half a tab :). i think its well worth it but make sure your not stupid with it!. and be in the right frame of mind, if you take this when your nervous, sad etc it will play on that and make it a bad trip!.

    Oh and no it isnt physically addictive like heroin or something, it is only addictive like mind addictive like wow i want to do that again.

  2. Lysergic acid dimethylamide is a narcotic that has a bad reputation...I would not use it or any other drug that changes my perceptions...

  3. Dangerous...

  4. LSD is a semisynthetic psychedelic drug of the ergoline family. Its unusual psychological effects, which include illusions of colored patterns behind the eyes, a sense of time distorting, crawling geometric patterns, and the loss of the user's sense of identity has made it one of the most widely known psychedelic drugs.

    I have not observed any beautiful life-changing experiences. In fact, I have driven through a snowstorm with someone in my car coming down from a bad trip where she saw giant spiders climbing across the windshield to get her. However, bad trips are in general rarer than pleasant ones. The drug is life-changing only to the extent one becomes habituated to it and ultimately confuses its visions with reality. There is some risk of sustained susceptibility to hallucinations.

    Estimates for the lethal dosage (LD50) of LSD range from between 200 µg/kg to more than 1 mg/kg of human body mass, though most sources report that there are no known human cases of such an overdose. Other sources note one report of a suspected fatal overdose of LSD occurring in November 1975 in Kentucky in which there were indications that ~1/3 of a gram (320 mg or 320,000 µg) had been injected intravenously, i.e., over 3,000 more typical oral doses of ~100 µg had been injected. Experiments with LSD were also done on animals; in 1962, an elephant named Tusko died shortly after being injected with 297 mg, but whether the LSD was the cause of his death is controversial.

    LSD is not considered addictive, in that its users do not exhibit the medical community's commonly accepted definitions of addiction and physical dependence. Rapid tolerance build-up prevents regular use, and there is cross-tolerance shown between LSD, mescaline and psilocybin. This tolerance diminishes after a few days without use and is probably caused by down-regulation of 5-HT2A receptors in the brain.

    The facts are the facts, regardless of government or druggie propaganda. There is so much exaggeration both pro and con about LSD that one must sift the evidence carefully. On balance, I would say it is a dangerous psychotropic substance not to be played with or treated lightly.

  5. from someone who has taken it- llllooooonnnnggg ago- it is dangerous. i did it once and will never do it again. it's very very bad for you. please don't ever try it. it could kill you the first time you try it. it is made of cleaning chemicals. it is not good for you. it makes you hallucinate and you can die. stay away from it.  

  6. Well yes and no. I think it is fine if you make sure to only to do a very small amount. You can have a bad trip if you do too much. And you can't do that stuff everyday like you can do some drugs. It will seriously mess you up. The problem with LSD is if you do it too much and too often you can really mess up your brain and (maybe go a little crazy?). As far as the overdose thing, I don't think you can overdose in the typical will just really go crazy. So I think you will be alright if you just want to try it once but don't do it a lot.

  7. Any substance that the body doesn't produce itself that alters the brain can be dangerous.  

  8. While yes, it's essentially impossible to die from acute toxicity of LSD itself, that totally ignores the effects the drug has on the brain. LSD is a hallucinogen, one that operates on serotonin. And like all the serotonin acting hallucinogens it has some pretty ugly long term consequences.

    Essentially what happens is that LSD is a 'universal agonist' for GPCRs, though it works best on the serotonergic ones. Most serotonin receptors are on glutamate neurons, which make up the vast majority of brain cells. Serotonin does not specifically transduce signals, but it sets up the postsynaptic nerve to fire at a lower stimulus. The strength of LSD makes these nerves fire far faster than they would under normal physiological conditions. Through various means, primarily excitotoxic, this kills the nerve cells, and that's where we end up with problems.

    What we see is chronic disturbance of mood, primarily severe depression that does not respond well to conventional antidepressant drugs of therapy - the nerves those drugs work on are gone. To a lesser degree memory impairment, anxiety and some cognitive problems show up. These issues show up several years down the road, which is why they get overlooked so often. The leading theory as to why this happens is the amount of damage a person does with LSD - the number of hits averages about 10-15, but the range is enormous, a few people seem to have very high tolerance, but most would fall in that range. The other factor is individual tolerance - how much redundancy there is in the pathways LSD does it's damage, how well the brain can clean up the metabolic mess the drug makes, how easy the apoptotic triggers are to set off. These areas of the brain don't grow back, and nerves die, it happens. What LSD seems to do is strip down the excess capacity the brain has in these areas.

    While not as severe as ecstacy, when I was working on a substance abuse recovery study(Crossing fingers, hope we get published), I got to see a bit of this. It's really a sad sight. Lot of people on really heavy antidepressants at really high doses that didn't manage their symptoms very well.

    The idea that this substance is harmless is pretty ignorant of the medical data around it. But as with most substances of abuse in America today, what we really know is drowned out by government BS on one side, and half-crazed drug enthusiast ravings. An objective truth isn't worth a lot when you've got an agenda to push.

  9. ysergic acid diethylamide, LSD, LSD-25, or acid, is a semisynthetic psychedelic drug of the ergoline family. Its unusual psychological effects, which include illusions of colored patterns behind the eyes, a sense of time distorting, crawling geometric patterns, and the loss of the user's sense of identity has made it one of the most widely known psychedelic drugs. It has been used mainly as a recreational drug, an entheogen, and a tool to supplement various practices for transcendence, including in meditation and illicit, formerly legal psychedelic therapy.

    It is synthesized from lysergic acid derived from ergot, a grain fungus that typically grows on rye, and was first synthesized by Swiss chemist Albert Hofmann. The short form LSD comes from its early code name LSD-25, which is an abbreviation for the German "Lysergsäure-diethylamid" followed by a sequential number.[1][2]

    LSD is sensitive to oxygen, ultraviolet light, and chlorine, especially in solution, though its potency may last for years if it is stored away from light and moisture at low temperature. In pure form it is colorless, odorless, and mildly bitter.[2]

    LSD is typically delivered orally, usually on a substrate such as absorbent blotter paper, a sugar cube, or gelatin. In its liquid form, it can be administered by intramuscular or intravenous injection. The threshold dosage level needed to cause a psychoactive effect on humans is between 20 and 30 µg (micrograms).

    Introduced by Sandoz Laboratories as a drug with various psychiatric uses, LSD quickly became a therapeutic agent that appeared to show great promise. However, the extra-medicinal use of the drug in Western society during the mid-twentieth century led to a political firestorm that resulted in the banning of the substance.[3] A number of organizations—including the Beckley Foundation, MAPS, Heffter Research Institute and the Albert Hofmann Foundation—exist to fund, encourage and coordinate research into its medicinal uses.[4

  10. where ever u learned that or who ever told u that must be crazy!! most drugs are all dangerous

    no matter who asks u or ur friends to do it never talk to again or tell an adult...

  11. i know it screwed up my cousin

  12. Excuse me, "there is no way to 'accidentally' overdose since .... not even a milliliter"?   What about someone dumping several milliliters in someone's drink (or several dosed sugar cubes.)

      I think the best answer to this, if you think the government fakes things is to ask the people who thought it was so wonderful how badly it hurt enough people that the stuff went away - until people like you say "Hey, they liked it once, it must be good."  

      No life changing experiences, just a temporary high and for some continuing visions and fantasies.

  13. all drugs are bad. whoever is telling you this is full of c**p and trying to talk you into peer-pressure.

  14. LSD is made of cleaning chemicals and stuff like that... No it is not safe and yes is dangerous.

  15. LSD is in fact very dangerous. It can make people do stupid things or have hellish bad trips where they can go crazy. I knew people that never came down. I knew a dealer that put it in his hat and it all soaked into his brain when it rained... went total nuts!!!! I did acid more than a few times, I was really young , and I stopped when I saw my friends go stupid. Its really bad...... Its not a life changing experience, I mean I dont feel like superman everytime I smoke pot .....

  16. well, i have never actually dne LSD but im going to in a month or so, and yes, im a panzie when it comes to taking drugs, so ive done tons or esearch and stuff, it isnt really possible to overdose, and yes, i do believe the goverment has made it sound bad because of how great this stuff is. it is in fact a life changing drug. it is said that you even 'undestand' the meaning of life. thats whyim gonna take it. well, this is a really great desiption or whatever by some guy. i read it and  talks about most of your question in it. and pretty much answers your questions. well  i hope it helps, its really informative...

  17. There are inherent risks with any drug including LSD. Much of the acid that is sold is not actually LSD, but is much closer chemically to MDMA. You can take too much of it and it will be a mental h**l which you may not want to survive, even if you do.

    As far as dosing, each batch is done differently and will have a different strength. You may take it one time and it'll have little effect only to buy a different batch the next week, take the same amount and be out of your mind trippin'.

    On the other hand, it can be mind opening, fun and educational. It's one of those things where you need to know yourself and your limits. There's a lot of government propoganda out there about drugs, but not all of it is patently false.

    My advice: Restraint in all things.  

  18. I've never taken a full dose of LSD, but have tried a very, *very* tiny amount. It actually improved my senses a bit for a short time.  

  19. it's much better than the edens or the stevenson expressway, but i would not want to be heading north on it during friday evening rush hour.  every god d**n hoosier in chicago is out and about!  

  20. I am 56 years old and used to take LSD every week when I was 16-17.  After a while I would hallucinate without taking it.   The hallucinations got terrifying sometimes.  Finally one night I lay there paralyzed and knew I was dead.   I was all alone in the night, dead.   I didn't dare try to move because I knew I wouldn't be able to and it would be confirmed that I was dead.   I could tell that I wasn't breathing or seeing.  This was the most terrifying thing that I can't explain it.   I had many other hallucinations that were horrible, EVEN WHEN I HADN'T TAKEN ANY.   I stopped taking it and it took 3 years for the hallucinations to finally go away.

    Years later when I was depressed I had new hallucinations of dead women.   I think somehow it is because of all the LSD.


  21. I've never tried it simply because it lasts too long for my tastes, but I believe that it is in fact safe and good.

  22. The problem is your focusing on the things in life that don't really matter. When I was a kid I had hopes and dreams. We all did. But over time, the daily grind gets in the way and you miss the things that really matter, even though they are right in front of you, staring you in the face. I think the next time you should ask yourself "Am I on the right track here?". I don't mean to be rude but people like you I really pity. So maybe you could use the few brain cells you have and take advantage of the knowledge I have given you now. Good luck.

  23. i did it a few times in high school MANY years ago like 20 and I didn't have any problems, but I didn't see anything beautiful that I remember either. It kind of made everything seem more vivid or more intense.

    I don't think it did any damage... but who knows.

    I know a lot of people who did that who are totally fine, but people who smoked A LOT of pot are totally messed up now. (we are talking a TON of that stuff- not just minor usage).

    It is hard to say. The gov't lies to us about so much we never know.

    I didn't do it but maybe 3-5 times and it was not addictive to me, but maybe to some?

    I still don't want my kids doing it though

  24. Its not dangerous unless you have a bad trip.

    Just make sure you have a sober person with you in case you have a bad trip and try jumping out of the window or something.  

  25. HI i think its dangerous and addictive. I just finished reading Go Ask ALice and it was how her life was turned upside down by drugs. I t all started when someone put lsd in her drink at a party. It's addictive but I'm not sure how dangerous. But you goon theese trips where everything is magnified and really cool well thats how it was described in the book. Also, certian things can trigger you getting high. Say you were high at a party and a certian song came on while you were high, you could be at home and hear the song and get high. Well it would have to be the stuff they used in the late 70's. But you could also have a bad trip. In the book she had a bad trip. She saw maggats and worms all over her. She tried to get them off and was seriusly injured. She ripped out her own hair and completly mutilated her hands. This was because poeple put lsd on peanuts that she ate. So it could be dangerous, and this is a completly true story.  

  26. I wouldn't worry about overdosing...I would worry about stabbing yourself multiple times as you are trying to kill the imaginary bugs.  

  27. The goverment doesn't do studies.  Universities do.  Medical assocations do (American Medical Association), etc.  What on earth would be the goverment's modivation in disuading people from taking drugs?  How would the goverment benefit?  If it was safe and healthy, they would tax it.  Your local drug dealer, however, has an incentive to convince you that these studies are bogus, to get you to try, become addicted to, and buy drugs from him/her.

    There have been many documented cases of LSD related deaths.  An overdose isn't the only way to die from LSD, someone gets high and then falls of their balcony, or crashes their car, etc.  There have been a number of studies, by Universities, which point to LSD doing perminant brain damage.

  28. I will tell you the only true fact you will find on this entire page of answers:

    Darwinism doesn't favor people who are high.

  29. It is not addictive, however, it can be dangerous.  It can cause brain damage and psychotic breaks.  True, in some people seeking a spiritual path, it can help in that regard.  But most people don't get anything quite so profound.  I have known people who have used LSD and peyote under the supervision of a shaman type person who could guide them and it went okay.  But I've known many more people who just fooled around with the stuff and did themselves no good.  I had one experience with it and it was not something I would ever do again.

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