
Do you think LSD will ever gain its popularity back?

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Do you think LSD will ever gain its popularity back?




  1. Exactly right Heathen

    LSD isn't addictive.. some people can become psychologically dependent on it, but not often. Its not much of a club/party drug.. it has to be used at the right event.. where people specifically go there to trip. Not to mention its very hard to synthesize opposed to popular party drugs.

    Because of these reasons its market potential isn't very high. It's still around alot, but you need to know the right people. Plus people believe the governments propaganda about it way too much..

  2. LSD is very popular!

    I take LSD (Lake Shore Drive) daily to work!

    For those of you are not familiar with LSD, Lake Shore Drive is a beautiful expressway in Chicago, IL., the speed limit is roughly 45 mph.

  3. LSD is the least addictive drug out there.  So probably not.

  4. Maybe one day when the government stops feeding the kids false propaganda and when the people wise up and realize most of the **** said about it is bullshit.

  5. No. So many people have a negative view of mormons.

    And there is a larger amount of mormons leaving their faith than there are people converting.

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