
Do you think London winning the Olympic Bid was a good idea?

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I am doing a survey and I would like answerers just to answer a couple of questions. You don't have to put your name but could you state your age and which country you come from.

Do you think winning the bid was a waste of money?

Will the Games benefit you in anyway (tourism, be part of the Games, olympic teams etc.)?

Will you go to go the Olympic games?

Finally, overall should London host the Games?




  1. A major mistake!

    These things always cost way more than the initial predictions, and while they do bring in some tourists, the numbers are not so great as to justify the expense. In any case, the fiscal benefit is to a small number if individuals in real terms.

    Besides that, Britain has a remarkable track record for totally s******g up major projects of this nature, and I think it highly likely that this wwill become an embarasment of gigantic proportions.

    Finally, Britain has got to be seen as being at very high risk from terrorists, and this will provide a wonderfully tempting target to anyone so inclined. The powers that be will counter with massive security measures that will still further restrict the freedom of the individual and become a major inconvenience to everyone, whether attending the games or not.

    And no, I will not benefit and I have no intention of attending any part of it, or eeveen watching it on television.

    (53 years old, English)

  2. I'm from London.

    I don't think the games are a waste of money. Let's face it, if we didn't have the games the money would just disappear  down some other hole. So I'm looking forward to it. I'll go to as many events as possible, and make the most of a once in a lifetime experience.

  3. i think it was not a good idea at all - taxpayers hard earned money is going down the drain whilst more job cuts and home repossession go on...... billions are squandered on some swimming pool which will be demolished in 5 years time after the games, as there will be no use for it !!

    additionally look at our trains !! we are packed like sardines each day to scrape it to work... cant use your car because our mayors charge us for it and they want us to use the underground. one line goes slightly wrong and thousands are stranded .... have you seen Stratford station at 8.30 ??? its maddeningly crowded.... now imagine putting another 5-10,000 people in this station - there just isnt the room for it !

    in answer to your questions

    1. yes it was a waste of money

    2. i dont think it is going to benefit me or my family - will i get free tickets to an event which i paid for ??!! i think not !

    3. probably  not

    4. i dont think in current economy state london should do this put its own people 2nd

    thanks for asking !

  4. Q1 Yes

    Q2 Will get fed-up with it on TV and Radio

    Q3 No

    Q4 No

  5. Yes

    Probably not.


    Yes and be the only ones to pay for them.

    Age   ancient

    Scotland...which is losing a lot of money to the "games".

  6. 1.yes

    But at least they will be able to house the immigrants in the Olympic village after the games.

    I live in London and am 43

  7. I'm an American, but... I don't think it's fair considering this will be the THIRD time London has hosted the Olympics in just over a century. I think there were more appropriate choices. London seems like such an obvious choice. Some call London the "capital of the world". It's a city that gets so much attention anyway. Nothing against London, but Maybe we should have given the opportunity to another city.

  8. Of course the Olympics is a good thing, more publicity means more money and it is a way of showing off the UK to rest of the world or not as the case may be.

  9. 1. No, it will benefit London through redevelopment and tourism.

    2. No, in fact due to the drain on public finances they'll take money away from far more vital projects nationally.

    3. No, you'd have to take a second mortgage out to get a ticket.

    4. Yes,, Britain should host more events on the world stage.

    35, England.

  10. 1.  No the bribes went to all the usual suspects - ie Olympic committee, etc.

    2.  No, the UK will get about five (bronze) medals but at least Sebastian Coe will get even more public money and Princess Anne will prance about whinnying if her dreadful very bad rider daughter falls off like she did in the Olympics.

    3.  No.  Who wants to see a whole load of druggies and have to pay for it?   Plenty around that you can see for free.

    4.  Why not?   We finance all the losers from every country so why not finance our own losers?

  11. Q1. yes

    Q2. I will be affected by the huge volumes of people

    Q3. No

    Q4. No

    Aged 26, London

    I think that this is when there will be a BIG terrorist attack, who's stupid idea was it to hold the olympics here when our warning was in 7/7 in London.

  12. i'm 16 and from the UK (very close to London in fact!)

    i think it will be a waste of money because the costs have already gone above expected and it's not even finished.

    We might get a slight increase in tourism, but i think the tourist industry in London is pretty good atm anyway.

    I will go to the Olympic games in London (it's a once in a lifetime thing for me!)

    I'll put it this way, people may go on about how china shouldn't host the Olympics because of their human rights record, Tibet etc. but they appropriately forget that we were involved in an illegal war in Iraq.

  13. no its not...

    who wants to watch a bunch of drugged up cheaters faking their success...

    the cost is too much for any benefits that may happen

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