
Do you think Los angeles will ever get another NFL team?

by Guest34257  |  earlier

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Will L.A. ever get another nfl franchise? Expansion or a team moving there?




  1. Yes, the Patriots will be moved, the LA Patriots.  

  2. I doubt it. We did not support the Rams when they were in L.A. Los Angeles is a Dodgers, Lakers, USC and UCLA football fans.  

  3. LA will get a team.

    There is no way the NFL does not consider this the #1 market they are not already in. #2 US media market. One of the largest concentrations of big money in the country.  

    The main problem is LA supports winners. Moving a crappy team to LA or an Expansion team to LA does not get the job done. Any team operating in LA needs to win or people simply find something else to do.

    The Chargers are in need of a new stadium and could make their way back to LA. The Jags are also rumored to be looking as are the Saints and Vikings I don't see the league moving the Vikings out of the NFC North so it will probably be one of the other teams.

    We can knock LA for not Supporting a team but it's LA's political leaders and voters who refuse to build a new stadium for billionaires to use for free while we pick up the expenses. Other cities should do the same. LA has more then enough sports venues where an NFl team could play (Rose Bowl, Coliseum, Dodger Stadium, Angels Stadium, Home Depot Center) .  Why build some billionaire a new stadium when there are others to use.

    Also we did support the Rams and Raiders, especially the Raiders. People in LA still support the Raiders. The Raiders probably make more money selling jerseys to LA's thugs and gangsters then they do to everyone in Oakland. The owners of both franchises chose to leave.

  4. I think they will in the near future, they sure do have the market to sell out games, I've heard of people in LA begging for a team, I think it would prosper if they put a franchise in

    But the other problem is that they have to make another team, to make the NFC and AFC even, so if they put a NFC team in LA then that means they have to put an AFC team in some other city so that is the problem trying to get a team in LA

  5. I think the NFL was trying to get one to LA soon, within the next 5 years.

  6. I agree with Scottie, but in reality, they will, especially since they like to throw the "2nd largest market" line in everyone's face.  I wouldn't be surprised if the Jags go to LA.  Expanding the league might be more logistically sound.  If that happens, maybe Toronto or London will get a full-time team, and the NFL will eventually evolve into the World League (and we know how THAT faired).

    friends don't let friends have NFL teams in LA.

  7. God I hope not.

  8. well i think that if my jaguars dont at least make it to the superbowl in the next 5-10 yrs. they will move to LA.....i dont trust Wayne Weaver at all...( Jags owner).plus, i have an inside source, and very good intuition...mark my words.....Jax to LA

  9. LA will have at least 1 or 2 teams come and leave before they can settle on a permanent franchise.  

  10. Can't see that happening. LA doesn't deserve another NFL team, you've had your chances.

  11. They don't deserve it but yes someone will put a team there.  They will say how its so wrong that the 2nd largest market in the US should have a team.  It doesn't matter that LA had 3 teams (Chargers, Rams, Raiders) and all left.  LA doesn't understand you need to support the teams if you want them to stay.

    My guess is that its going to be one of the usual teams wanting a stadium or about to be sold.  Vikings, Jaguars, Bills, and Chargers.

    wiz - The Cardinals just got a new stadium they aren't going anywhere.

  12. Why should they? They didn't support the Rams or Raiders when they were in L. A., why would they want another NFL team there?

  13. Yes.

    It's the second largest media market in the country.  They'll get one once the business men and the city get their act together to work it out.

    I imagine a loser team in another market will make the move.  The Cardinals, perhaps?

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