
Do you think MLB players still use corked bats in games?

by  |  earlier

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I remember Sammy Sosa getting caught a little while back, but you just don't hear about it as much as when I was younger.




  1. As Ice Cold said, corked bats don't give you more power.

  2. highly doubt it. it really doesnt give you an advantage except making the bat lighter or absorb more vibration.  neither of which helps you hitter better.  if anything your hits would have less distance on them because the cork is absorbing some of the impact of the ball instead of it all being transfered from the bat back into the ball.

  3. No, they don't because corked bats actually diminish your power

  4. The answer to the question "Are players cheating?" is ALWAYS "yes." I don't know what players think the benefit of corking their bats is, but I guarantee there are some who think it gives them an edge and are willing to take the risk.

  5. maybe a dozen or two, but it is too much risk.  

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