
Do you think Mac computers are gonna come back, like before Windows came about?

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I mean, Mac has so many things that are great for families sharing a computer and are great for little devices like Cell Phones and MP3s (even if they are not iPods) and are even starting to make documents and powerpoints even better too!




  1. Mac has a 11 year head start on Windows. Windows came out in (guess when?) 1995 - thus the name Windows 95. Yeah, there were earlier versions but they were really lame. The first Mac came out in 1984 (Orwellian, huh?). As far as Word, Excel and Powerpoint - they have been on Mac as long or longer than they have been on Windows. They have ALWAYS made documents and presentations better than Windows. It has to do with the innate handling of files in the Mac that Windows simply can't - or won't - mimic.

    Macs have always been a better machine for families and to integrate peripherals. Windows has parroted a lot of items that started on Macs: USB, firewire, mini-DIN, heck even color displays were first available for Macs.

    The only thing Windows has going for it is popularity - and that has fallen since the release of Vista. Not that Microsoft would tell anyone about that!

    btjuan - I challenge you to equip a Dell or HP or Lenovo with comparable hardware and software to an iMac or a MacBook and tell me it's lower in price. I've done it - the Windows PCs are ALWAYS more expensive for comparable bundles. And you have always been able to do more home tasks on a Mac than on Windows; there are a few business tasks that are easier on Windows, but are still able to be done on a Mac.

  2. Definitely! Mac is so fun to use! Windows, well, it stinks.

  3. No way. The only reason more people are using Mac's now is because they can run Windows too. I know there was a time when Mac's were better than PC's but they kept this arrogant attitude of not letting anyone else build computers with Mac OS so PC's grew to the point that is not practical to have a Mac, that is more expensive, just to do a few things because there was not much software for them. Besides there are many manufacturers of PC's and Apple can't fight all of them  

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