
Do you think Madeleine McCann might have been found if the hotel manager had raised the alarm when asked to?

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The hotel manager, John Hall, waited an hour before calling the police. Surely if the police had been alerted immediately and appropriate action taken at that time, there would have been more chance of finding the child.

I am not accusing him of anything other than delaying tactics, but might the situation have been different if he had called straight away?




  1. Well this could be the case but after more than a year of searching i really don't think it would have made THAT much of a difference IF Madeline was kidnapped...then this guy/girl has hidden himself/herself well.

    But and interesting point.

  2. totally agree with Katsper

  3. yes i think so, it stands to reason that the sooner the police were called and took action the greater the chance of finding her. it would be illogical to say any different.

  4. This is an ignorant question.  Of course if you change the circumstances, the outcome will change.  That's common sense.

  5. I think Madeleine McCann might still be safe and well if her own parents had not left her and her two younger siblings unattended. The buck stops there. their feet.

  6. It may well have given the resulting investigation a better start. I guess we'll never know!

  7. The out come could have been quite different if he had called earlier.

  8. we cant be 100% sure, but yes i think that they would have had a better chance of finding her if the manager had phoned the police earlier...

    in response to katsper.. , i have to agree with her, 3 small children should never ever be left alone while their parents dine nearby. if the kids had been with them, she wouldnt be missing now , would she..?

    if that had been young couple on  benefits who lived on a council estate, and they left their children alone, the children would have been immediately been took of them by the social services.

    sorry im straying off the question been asked, but thats my opinion

  9. I think it was the parents that did it so no?

    ¿•?Rhiiannon.Babii?•¿  ÃƒÂ¢Ã‚™Â¥

  10. Ascoile & Taxed Till I Die are right...but - it's all too late now.  as for some of the answers here....dreadful - must be nice to be SO perfect!!  

    the story of Maddie is a terrible tragedy...the parents made a silly mistake...but they are not involved in the little girl's murder!!!

  11. No she was dead and had been disposed of long before that, certain people should be questioned vigorously, never mind pussyfooting about !

  12. Hindsight is a terrible thing. IF he had have called the police then they probably would have caught whoever did this much more quickly. As it stands, he didn't. He waited, tried to keep everyone calm, and tried to delay as long as possible before calling the police. I mean, IF she hadn't been taken and it was a false alarm, the police would have been annoyed. In the end, there is no IF, there is only the facts. Everything happens for a reason.

  13. Nope. She might have been found had the parents not stepped out to go on the drink though.

  14. Yes he should have called the police earlier. I wonder why he waited ?? But as it took the police over an hour to respond to his call would it in fact have made all that difference. They did not even set up read blocks for 2 whole days !!!

  15. Unlikely as she was probably dead long before then

  16. My gut reaction reading the papers and hearing it on the news was "That kid has been taken to mainland Africa nad sold to the Arabs!"

    Cruel? Racist?

    Makes me proud of the British police, because I'm sure they would have got to the bottom of it.

  17. yea accuse the manager the portugese the egg faced man

    anybody but the people who had sole charge and responsibilty for a young innocent child

    kate and gerry are responsible they should never of left her alone

  18. no i do not because they were not in a hotel they were in a house !!!!!! get ur accusatory facts straight!!

  19. i think it was the parents fault.

  20. long dead police said she died in the room so wouldn't have matter fed up hearing about it really does my head in. we don't really care anymore even us in leicester were i am from. in our paper the leicester mercury it tells you how many days there been searching but even they have had enough.

  21. Anything's possible but please don't start this whole thing up again.

  22. Hide sight is always 20/20.

    But, yes, there may have been a chance to find that little girl immediately if the authorities would have been called immediately, by the hotel manager, by the parents, by an over-hearing by-stander, by anyone.

    This is such a tragic story, and all of these big, unanswered questions just make it all the more devastating.

    The lesson here would have to be:

    When it comes to a missing child, ALWAYS, ALWAYS, ALWAYS alert the authorities immediately, THEN ask the questions and begin the individual searches.

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