
Do you think Manmohan Singh Government is capable to fight against terror?

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UPA running for N-Deal with US. "the focus will now shift toward developments in India" Rahul says.

Who will think about the safety of public. terror is biggest disaster for normal citizen.

Who will provide Security to that nuclear power plant.

Chernobyl disaster it kill more then hundred thousands local citizen.




  1. Are the state Governments have nothing to fight against Terror?

    Are we breathing with Justice?

    Unjust is the cause of terror. Immoral is the cause of unjust.

    We are going on accepting Immoral as Morals.

    Then how the leaders among us do the Best ?

    we are searching  the bubbles on the top.

  2. I think the congress is too conservative in its approach and the terror groups have used this to it's advantage by bringing the whole country in it's fear.

    The BJP was much more aggressive as compared to the congress . I think had the congress had been in charge then then there would have been no Kargil war as a result.

    If such acts of terror continue and the congress does not change it's stand , then it would be high time people realise what would be in their best interests .

  3. it is in cap  able   but cap able of fright

  4. he is very very capable of doing it..

    i am very comfortable with him as PM...advani is no vajpayee

  5. By its very nature terrorism is difficult to confront with, let alone control. No government succeeded till now. It can be possible by concerted action by all interested countries. In this endeavor countries who want to practice 'hunting with the hounds and running with the hares' need to be isolated and put in straight jacket without shunning them. In contrast like, Sudan and Somalia who proclaimed their terrorist intent openly are is to work with. The worst is when you need to work with an enemy as you really are emasculated. Once you come under the control strings of your adversary whom you know to be the culprit, the situation becomes hopeless.

    America and India, the two worst affected countries are still to fight together confronting the common cause. It is easier said than done, what with perceived national interests and foreign policy imperatives. If you want to get along, go along! If America needs India's help, will the latter oblige and cross her (domestic policy) Lakshmana Rekha to go to support America? We are facing an unwinnable situation at home, but can't leave the field. We prefer to go alone enduring it than seeking succour. For we fear that the terrorist acts will be stepped up, but the worst is happening anyway. With our type of intelligence set-up (in disjoint parts and every intelligence chief protecting his own private turf) the needed inputs will always be missing. It results in your becoming wiser after the event.

    This game is played not on level field, with rules loaded against the government. Terrorist is needed to be successful once, but the police should succeed every time without fail.

  6. UPA esp their chairwoman R anti India AND anti Hindu. Poor MMS can do nothing good as long as Sonia is breathing down his collar.

    With one stone, the jehadis have killed so many birds--

    1. celebrated their god mother Sonia 's victory ( ?) in Parliament Poll,

    2. gave bad name to BJP Govt sof K'taka & Gujrat ,which want to reimpose POTA on poor terrorists,

    3. Dissuaded foreign IT investors from India/ esp. B'lore, and

    4. killed a few kafirs, even in Hospitals ,mainly women & children.

    We, the  nationalist Indian Muslims dont regard these criminals as true Muslims, they're an insult to Islam. UPA feels that all muslims sympathise with jehadis, & if the Govt does'nt punish them, we shall vote for congress.

    Sorry , but this is wrong, most Muslims see through the masquerade of UPA, we WONT vote for them hereafter, Insha Allah.

  7. no coz the gov in india is only bothered about themself. they don't care what goes on else where.

  8. NO.

    This government has failed at all fronts except the nuclear deal when it took a strong stance. Congress is responsible for the  mess that the country is in.

    BJP being in power sends a strong symbolic message to islamic outfits that their nefarious activities will not be tolerated. With Congress, the message is that they want to appease them at all costs.

  9. I for one do not see any thing objectionable with the nuclear deal, as long as we retain our sovereign will to protect ourselves. If the nuclear deal is going to bring us more power and more economic development, I welcome it. But, whiter Manmohan governemnt is going to any thing more than this is some thing we have to wait and see. The normal term of the government is going to end in another six months and I wonder if they will be able to usher in more economic reforms as told.

  10. 6 long years the USA has been fighting "terrorist"  so if we can't do it, no one can,  as a matter of fact the more we fight 'em the more that are born

  11. sorry but its not about Manmohan singh.

    its about Indian mentality and law

  12. I agree in part with Poornab. But there are other things to be looked into. Why do we have such problems at first place. As of now we see only pak born and supported terror groups. But what about Naxals and Maoists. They are born with in India. US cant help us out there. India suffers from the boundations of its foreing policies. But to me its more of political willing than any compulsion. When law can be framed within days to prevent their MPs from getting resticated from parliament than foreign policies can also be changed.

    Governments weak approach on dealing with its internal issues is the biggest foreing policy statement which could be sent across. Not indulging in cheap vote bank politics and being a true secular is what politicians can do to India. UPA government has been shouting the communal nature of saffron brigade and BJP, but to everyone surprise what have they been doing when they combine with PDP in Kashmir, and what do they have to say when they stood firm with the support of SP, who again is Muslim support and supported party and what about our very own Left parties who have clearly supported Maoists.

    Poornab is right in saying that Police are helpless. They have to good everytime. But their real helplessness comes from their inability to do things because of political meddling. With low pay, high risk, no thanks job Police is indeed helpless. They rely more on their extra sources of income(bribe) then govenrment salary. But one thing surprises me, why suddenly there are spate of arrests after an incidence. Police suddenly wants to proove that they are not sleeping but indeed they are. They sleep over things. Because if Police itself is adamant it can change things.

    UPA government is proud introducer of Ndeal. I think they are too keen on providing energy stability at the cost of national security. What with scrapping the law like POTA. MCOCA is still intact. why cant they act on it as well. The act has done wonders for the state. When the terrorists are working in organised way why cant government be more organised. But it wont. Because we People of India are capable of setting things straight. We lack energy to fight things. We lack people like freedom fighters who can fight this beurocratic and political strangle. We need unity and sense of what India is and what pride being an Indian is.

    I wont blame everything on the government, unless we come out of mean minor marginalism we cannot do anything. That is why we are fighting odds because we have to fight against our own Indians.

  13. NO! actully government is not bothered at all. Now we are not  at the safety of governement but at the pity of terrorists :(

    We need STRONG and offensive (not defensive) intelligence agencies

  14. no definatly not...............

    this government is worthless

  15. Buddy what is the point in fighting terrorism ? Anyways we cannot defeat them, c'mon lets face it. show me one country who has defated terrroism, US, USSR, UK no one.

    The thing is we can only prevent terrorism and he (manmohan) is doing a better job.

  16. No, incapable to fight terrorism & security to the nuclear plant is also a point of concern.


  17. No.

    this Govt. is involved in getting Votes and Notes.

    They are least bothered about common man, its education, poverty, suicides, terrorism, conflicts.

    To be in power means getting more money with least qualifications.

    Our Agriculture minister is more interested in Cricket and not Hokey or other games. Reason is simple. It is more money there.

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