
Do you think Maryse should get a tittle shot for the Divas championship?

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She has inproved a lot with her inring skills and she definatly proved to michelle McCool that she deserves it




  1. maybe a titty shot but not a title shot.

  2. No Victoria or Nattie Niedhart should get it as they know how to wrestler. Come to think about it I really do not care for the diva belt, they should just focus on the WWE Women's championship belt and Raw & SD compete for it..

  3. She may have improved but she is still far from being a great wrestler.

    The sooner the women's division (not the "divas division") gets some "real" wrestlers and not playboy models, the sooner women wrestlers will be taken seriously.  There are only a few divas on the roster that can actually wrestle.  Most are little more than eye candy to get the attention of the largely male viewership.  

    Just being honest -- and you know it to be true.

  4. Yes, she'd make a better champion.

  5. no

  6. yes

  7. she is cute but i love michelle mchool and she is awsome!!!

  8. Yeah, I don't think, I KNOW she would get a title shot, at least she did improve, Natalya won't fight for the title right now, it will be Maryse.

  9. improved??? What are you talking about she's getting worse every week! She is no where close to getting a title shot in fact she shouldn't even be in that ring

  10. I think she will eventually but not just yet. I would personally rather see either Natalya or Victoria as the next Divas Champion because they can actually wrestle unlike half of the other divas in the wwe.

  11. No She Cant Wrestle neither can McCool, and i hate her for her cockyness ... Natalya Is the only 'DIVA' Worthy of the Gold

  12. no not yet

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