
Do you think McCain's speech will have 38 million viewers like Obama's speech did?

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I heard that McCain's staff is having difficulty finding 10,000 people to attend McCain's speech. Do you think that the TV viewers for McCain will match the number of viewers for Obama's speech?




  1. Absolutly Not. No way. Not happin

  2. It's not a contest. How big the crowd at your acceptence speech was is no indication of how well a president can lead. First of all, 38 million people out of 305 million Americans is not that big of an audience. Second, a large portion of the audience does not necessarily support Obama. They were more than likely watching to pick out everything that was wrong with what he said. I did not watch the speech, but I will watch McCain's if I can. I think Obama speaking to huge crowds is out of desperation. It says that he is trying to impress the world by attracting huge crowds. Well, guess what... I am not impressed.  

  3. I turned the tv off right before Obama came on.  I'll watch McCain, because I know that he doesn't just talk the talk.

  4. Im sure it will but I promise you that you will not hear about it...

  5. Parties historically organize differently from one another. I can throw my support 100% behind a candidate, but I REFUSE to treat them with too much adulation or adoration.

    When a party like the Democrats (present day) measure their candidates on their pop culture appeal, it isn't surprising that they think a stadium affair with fireworks proves Obama is capable. Republicans and moderates, are more reasonable than that.


    McCain/Palin 08'

  6. I dunno.  I figured McCain's convention would be dusty, but when he announced his VP and America forgot Obama even existed, I have second thoughts.

  7. absolutely ! And you know what ? McCains speech will actually have some substance to it and not be just smoke and mirrors.  

  8. Who cares Obama is a terd that only had so many people there because of Oprah, Ahahah, f****** Oprah, how funny, nah just kidding they re both liars, McCain and Obama, just in to win it's more of a competition than an election. Most the people who follow Obama know absolutely nothing except he's for change, what goddamn change, he says he's going to do so many things but HOW? that's what he doesn't say, so dumb people just blindly follow him just how they Blindly followed Hitler a time before.  Have you tried to ask any College student why theyre voting for Obama? It's so funny they don't know , all they can say is because he's for CHANGE!! LOL, ahahahaha!!

  9. hard to say ... you know how when you're passing a really bad accident, you're really tempted to slow down and look???  

  10. Well, probably it will. But, that is the difference between Liberals and Conservatives...I doubt that Conservatives care. The goal of the convention will be realized either way. It is November that matters and all Conservatives know that.

    Perhaps McCain could pass out free beer or have a rock or rap concert...

  11. Who cares? He is not running for American Idol, he is running for president. Obama makes a great celeb, but is not presidential material.

  12. It'll be tough

  13. I think there may be many viewers, both those who are republicans, and those who are looking to see the difference between his speech and Obama's. I don't think it will be as impressive as Obama's, as McCain has the oratory skills of a tree stump.

  14. Obama surged in the polls by 8 percent after his speech.

  15. I'll watch it even though I support Obama, just so I can talk about it later.

  16. No, but it would be nice if the people who watched Obama watched McCain just to see the contrast.

  17. I don't know.  How many people in American suffer from insomnia?  pa-dum tish!!!

  18. If I want to see old people talking about trivial things, I'll watch the Golden Girls.


    Architects for 9/11 truth:

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  19. Only if the convention involved nude mud wrestling and a monster truck rally, otherwise no.

  20. With S. Palin on the ticket, I would say yes.  Everyone knows McCain, Obama is a mystery.  People wanted to hear his speech first hand, but he lacked that bump in the polls.  He should be far ahead of McCain at this point.

  21. Probably not. He's not quite the "Hannah Montana" of politics that Barack is, and that's ok by me.

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