
Do you think McCain's wife is jealous of Sarah Palin?

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Do you think McCain's wife is jealous of Sarah Palin?




  1. I doubt it. McCain would have talked to Cindy before making this selection.

  2. Probably not.. I think she might be getting tired of the 2 year campaign though..

  3. I'll bt she is! Palin is much hotter than his old, ex-"trophy" wife that he dumped his first wife for. All those late nights at the oval office....and she is Power Hungry, so she would do anything to get in good with the boss! ha ha

  4. No, as a matter of fact I would say that she supported his decision & may have even encouraged it.

  5. She has every reason to be.  If he ran around on his first wife, he'll do it to her too.

  6. Who the h**l cares?

  7. why would you think that? A better question might be is Mrs Obama jealous of that near full on lip lock that Mr O gave Mrs Biden? That was interesting!

  8. No, I do not think that at all. People worth a hundred million dollars can't be bothered being jealous of anybody else.

  9. No, I should think she's sorry for her, having to endure close proximity to such a ***

  10. Why!  She's a beautiful lady, she has nothing to be jealous of

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