
Do you think McCain has the experience to be president or enough morals for change?

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1. Graduated fifth from the bottom in his Naval Academy class;

2. Got himself shot down and captured in the war;

3. Served a full career in the Navy but never matched either his grandfather or father who both achieved the rank of admiral;

4. survived a failed marriage cause by his own cheating;

5. According to his official congressional listing has had only one private sector job, that of “beer distributor;

6. Lost to George Bush in the Republican primaries during which, when asked why he wanted to be president, could only respond, “It’s always been my ambition.”

My guess is that this list could easily be extend to a much longer one. But already, I think it is longer than his list of achievements.

In 26 years,one can have two kinds of experiences. One is 26 years of learning and achieving. The other is one year, repeated 26 times. It seems to me, Mr. McCain has had the latter career path and that it has been one of achieving failure.




  1. McCain! 2008!!

  2. He has experience but he picked the wrong running mate.

  3. lol he has no morals, really...........  he will be a huge mistake, and we already made 2 mistakes, electing and RE electing bush, we have to change how we do things now because we are waaaay too messed up.....   time for something new and fresh, not old and decrepid

  4. He still has more experience in his little finger than Obama has in his whole body.

  5. I graduated #894 out of 899 at Annapolis.

    I racked up a record 100 demerits as an undergrad.

    I racked up multi-million dollar plane crashes during flight training.

    I love racks.

    My grandfather and father were both 4-star admirals (the only such father-son pairing in Naval history) ... but me? Not a prayer. Boohoo.

    Charles Keating was my friend and donor. Great guy. Not great with other peoples' money though. Tough break for them. Boohoo.

    In 2007, I only voted on 5 out of 21 bills considered, mostly voting against middle-class.

    The people at <<>> have tracked my record: please visit their site. They don't lie.

    But I have managed to vote AGAINST bankruptcy relief and FOR telecom immunity.

    I divorced my sick wife after cheating on her with $indy and then spent a few years recently knocking boots with my favorite lobbyist.

    I'm against D&Cs, DNCs and Run DMC.

    I have the best (and free) medical care and pension plan outside of Wall Street but won't allow Americans who aren't in Congress the same.

    Thank God I'm shielded by immunity from libel while I'm cussing people out while I'm on the floor of the Senate.

    I have a foul mouth and a terrible temper but a good excuse for both. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

    My trophy wife and I own so many homes that I've lost count ... doesn't everybody?

    My choices and decision-making processes are deeply flawed, so why is my choice of Palin out of character for me? Get over it. I will. Maybe.


  6. I think your last two sentences provides you with your answer. If McCain hasn't proved that he's been able to do good by the American people in the past 26 years, why should we believe him now.  Additionally, what has McCain done that can be viewed positively?  We need a president with integrity, morals and someone who deliver on the promise of change.

  7. He clearly doesn't have the morals, and he's picked a person for vice president with same qualifications and ethical baggage as another republican luminary, Spiro T. Agnew.

  8. Even though you point out his failings..he has not tried to cover anything up. He has a long list of accomplishments as well. Be objective...I'd rather place my bet on someone who has an explanation for his promises than just "change" and "yes we can" chanting by his followers.

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