
Do you think McCain is in denial when it comes to his age?

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He has a wife who is alot younger than him...a Bangladeshi child he adopted who is not even a teen yet from what I hear...and most of all he doesn't talk about his own population (the elderly). What's up with that? Doesn't he want to get the elderly vote? You know most of those old people grew up in the days where black people and white people couldn't even sit side by side on a bus and i'm sure alot of them still have that racist mentality adn would never vote for a Black man...McCain sure could get alot of their votes ! I'm being sarcastic by the way. Reps suck !

Obama will be the best president America has ever seen !




  1. I think anyone who is over 55 or so is a bit in denial about age...Time just goes by so quickly...With modern medicine Senator McCain could probably do just fine healthwise.

    But you address an interesting point:  Is Senator McCain a bit too old to really relate to the lives of so much of the population?  I am surprised that more young people aren't appauled at having the country lead by one so old.

  2. What scary is if Mcclain happen to die and Palin takes over with no

    National experience!

  3. You sound like a young liberal.  Your points are weak, your logic incoherent, and your conclusions presumptuous.

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