
Do you think McCain made a rash decision when choosing Palin - doesn't this reflect poor judgment?

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The media has made it quite apparent that McCain didn't do his homework before selecting Palin. Do you really want someone leading our country who does not have good judgement when making decisions?




  1. McCain wanted to pick Lieberman or Ridge, but he was too weak to stand up to his own party. McCain caved in to the extreme religious zealots and acquiesced to their demands that he pick one of their own as his running mate. If McCain can't handle the Republican party, what is he going to do against al Qaeda?

  2. Yes.. I'll still vote for him even if that Palin will make him lose.. Go McCain!!.. (s**t Palin better not bring him down with her stupid family and Alaska secession plans)

    GO MCCAIN!!!!!!

  3. No, McCain is winning even in the lame polls he's winning which isn't surprising at all.  Everyone but Obama supporters saw this coming from the start and when Obama divided the democratic party, blamed Hillary for it and the called ALL of the Hillary supporters "uneducated and racist" he called up his doom in this election.  Sucks to be Buttock Insane Obama right now.

  4. I think that McCain only made the decision to choose Palin because she is a woman. He wants the voters who were rooting for Hillary to turn over and vote for him because of Palin, as she is a woman representative.  

  5. Yeah it was a rash decision. I think he did it because he felt choosing a woman would grab the attention of Hilary Clinton fans. I heard Palin speak and she doesn't seem very sure of herself.  She hasn't had experience. She's from Alaska and she was just involved in a little town. Now she's going to help with change for the entire country? I dont think so. Some people may also look down upon the fact that her 17 year old daughter got pregnant and is keeping the baby. But who knows because so many people get pregnant in their teens now.

  6. Where's this change I keep hearing Obama rap about.

    The L.A. Times just popped a big story the Obama-Biden folks don't want to be reading the night the Delaware senator introduces himself to the nation: a potential conflict of interest involving Biden and one of the nation's biggest asbestos litigation law firms — which also happens to be his top contributor.

    The report seems to provide fuel to Obama supporters enraged Illinois senator picked a running mate with such deep ties to the D.C. cash-politics-lobbying world

  7. No he did not make a rash decision.

    For 1, he knew about Bristol's pregnancy long before he made this decision.

    2. Teen pregnancy is quite high these days and who are we to say who should and shouldnt be pregnant, it's her life not ours or John McCain's.


    4. Obama was a Muslim and his wife is racist why should I ever consider him? Thats far worse that a VP's pregnant teenage daughter.

    GET OVER IT =)

  8. Regardless whether it was a mistake or not, his decision was not rash in the least.  Very calculated but very risky.  Look at the publicity he's drummed up.  People are more interested in his VEEP selection right now than in Obama.  Any publicity is good publicity, especially considering how boring and unengaging McCain is.

  9. judging by the millions pouring into McCain's campaign, i'd say his judgement was spot on.

  10. Nope, Palin has more experience than Obama and she isn't even running for president.

    McCain IS YOUR new president.

  11. You wish.

    Your fear is showing.

    And no one cares about your link to a biased blog on a leftist media website.

  12. Yes he made a rash decision and no I wouldn't let him lead me across the street so lets not even talk about the country.

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