
Do you think McCain picked Palin because she can drop it like it's hot?

by  |  earlier

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I'm just wondering if he picked her so she could enter the Miss Buffalo Chip Bikini Contest that he tried to get his wife to enter.




  1. No one can drop a campaign promise or stance like Obama can.  He can drop his babies like they're polonium 210 if it means getting him votes.

  2. Palin is a perfect VP compared to that left wing nut job biden

  3. palin is a milf shes good for sleeping with not good for president

  4. SnooooooooooooppppP. Hahaha. Maybe?

  5. No.

    Ever heard of humor?

    If Obama made the joke it would be just the funniest, but he didn't so we must make fun of the one who did.

    Grow up.

  6. I swear she looks like a porno MILF.

  7. LOL I'm sure there will be more sleazy things from Plain that is yet to be found or uncovered, perhaps she was an ex hooker, p**n star?

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