
Do you think McCain should choose Hillary as his VP, just to make it interesting?

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Do you think McCain should choose Hillary as his VP, just to make it interesting?




  1. FOFL. Thank you I needed that but it could never happen. Such a shame. Would love to have seen that one. Peace

  2. Hillary was originally a republican.

    Nothing would surprise me.

    I guess there's nobody else in the republican party that's better then her.  

  3. No, but that would without a doubt make things interesting.

    While some liberal supporters of Clinton might flock to McCain, I think the fallout from Republicans would be worse.  He stands more to lose by this move.

    Imagine though, what with all the animosity and anticipation of a Hillary campaign for the presidency brewing among Republicans for years that Republicans might select her as VP.  It's pretty funny :)

  4. That would be definitely be interesting!

  5. If he did he would need a food tester. Hillary wants to be president that bad!

  6. Yeah definitely! That would be interesting. They both seem as desperate as each other so would make such a cute pair.  

  7. She doesn't want the #2 spot, and he wouldn't consider her anyway.

  8. That certainly would be amusing, but we need no more Clintons in the White House or one step away from it.

  9. After she said no way no how, no McCain? Yes that will certainly guarantee McCain's defeat, she'll never will though. Unlike the confused Obama supporters here and elsewhere she's a team player.

    Hillary Clinton addressed the crowed at the 2008 DNC telling them "we are on the same team" and it is time to unite the Democratic party to win against John McCain.

    Hillary bashing is getting really old, not in the best interest of Obama and blind for the reality that is as true today as it was during the primary but now should be obvious to even the most ideologically weak Obama supporter that any justified genuine left wing criticism of Hillary is just as true and often even more for Obama.

    If you're gonna compromise and vote within the two party system Hillary is not a bigger compromise than Senator Obama and in many areas even the opposite. Hillary voted against FISA and her healthcare plan was truly universal.

    "Senator Obama prevailed over Hillary Clinton in the Democratic nomination contest in large part because she had voted in October 2002 to authorize the Iraq war, while Obama, not then a US Senator, verbally opposed the decision to go to war. This difference in political biographies was utilized by Obama’s campaign to make an appeal to antiwar sentiment, although Obama’s record once he arrived in the Senate in January 2005 was indistinguishable from Clinton’s.

    Biden’s record on Iraq makes his selection as the vice-presidential candidate all the more cynical, since he was an enthusiastic supporter of the war far longer than most Senate Democrats. He advocated measures to drastically increase the scale of the violence in order to win the war, including the dispatch of 100,000 additional US troops and the breakup of Iraq into separate Sunni, Shia and Kurdish statelets—on the model of the former Yugoslavia—which would presumably be more easy to control.

    In the run-up to the launching of the unprovoked US aggression in March 2003, Biden echoed Bush administration propaganda. At a hearing of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee just after Secretary of State Colin Powell’s notorious appearance before the United Nations Security Council in February 2003, Biden gushed, “I am proud to be associated with you. I think you did better than anyone could have because of your standing, your reputation and your integrity ...” Every major element of Powell’s indictment of Iraq has since proven to be false.

    Obama has reciprocated Wall Street’s support for his campaign by putting forward a tax policy that is far more favorable towards multi-millionaire and billionaire investors than had been anticipated.

    Writing in the Wall Street Journal on August 14, Obama’s principal economic advisors presented a plan that would hike capital gains and dividend taxes for those making more than $200,000 a year to only 20 percent, from the current 15 percent. The Democratic candidate had been expected to nearly double the capital gains tax—returning it to the rate that existed under Reagan and Bush as well as during the first term of the Clinton administration—and increase the tax on dividends to 40 percent.

    By ruling out any materially significant increase in taxes on finance capital, Obama and the Democrats have effectively precluded any measures to improve living standards, increase public spending or boost employment. A Democratic administration in 2009 will spell a continuation and deepening of the attacks on living standards as American capitalism continues to confront its deepest crisis since the great depression of the 1930s.

    Obama has repeatedly made it clear that the real thrust of his domestic policy will be the demand for fiscal responsibility. Under conditions in which the budget deficit will be approaching $500 billion by next year and with continued massive military spending, this can only mean stepped up attacks on working people

  10. NOOOOOooooooooooooooooooooo


    OK OK


  11. he should nominate biden

  12. No.  I'd rather see him appoint her to the Supreme Court (assuming a position opens)

  13. Hillary is too conservative for McCain.

  14. Oh I think it would be a wonderful idea.

    Shake things up a lot.

    He is already going to win but this would just push it way over the edge. I would love to see her on the ticket they would make a wonderful pair. With the way her party has treated her I think it would serve them right to have her go to the other side where we will welcome her!  

  15. No!  Ronald Reagan would roll over in his grave, the world would grind to a halt, and Satan would be ice skating to work.  

  16. That would seriously fire up this election and turn it upside down.

    It will never happen.

  17. Wow after Obama paid off her campaign debt... lol.. yeah I could see both Hilliary and McCain coming up with that idea.  Either way... they wouldn't get my vote!

  18. That would definitely make things interesting and would be a smart move in gaining 18 million Hillary supporters. It would also go a long way with women. However, that will not happen. Hillary has pledged her support to Obama. I would have loved to seen her go on an independent ticket. Obama messed up big time not naming her VP!!!

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