
Do you think McCain thought things through?

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I mean come on! Look at all the stuff that is coming out about Sarah Palin. I honestly think that McCain saw Obama's speech and freaked out.

If this is how they run their campaign .... how do you think they will run the country?

These people are walking disasters waiting to happen. Do NOT vote these people in to power.




  1. yes he is like it is said in Football a great “hail mary” move… great moment in history … the first female VP will be Republican..THEN the first female president will be also Republican ..her!

    .she has DONE things that Obama dreams of doing.... like against after her OWN party on corruption.…when if EVER obama has done the same in the highly corrupt Democrat party uh?...I say she is more for change than obama is...she has DONE it! Look it up!

    they are both TRUE mavricks and agents of change and this really shows that..specially since she is an ati-stablishment girl....

    now obama....who said he was for who did he pick for VP in the end...Biden, who has been in congress longer than McCain! isn't it!?

  2. condeleeza rice would have been a better choice

  3. No.

    The story is that he wanted Lieberman or Rich but couldn't have them--not conservative enough. So Palin was "chosen" by the campaign, not by John. (He spoke with her once, which is NOT how McCain does things.)

  4. Well, just listen to this:

    'At the very least, the process reflects Mr. McCain’s history of making fast, instinctive and sometimes risky decisions. “I make them as quickly as I can, quicker than the other fellow, if I can,” Mr. McCain wrote, with his top adviser Mark Salter, in his 2002 book, “Worth the Fighting For.” “Often my haste is a mistake, but I live with the consequences without complaint.'

    He might have learned how to live with his mistakes, but does the American public want to face the consequences of his irresponsible, hasty decisions?

  5. You'll find out once she speaks at the RNC.

  6. The worst part is that he did.

  7. No, and I'm thinking he might have to dump her.

    Just from day one of Baby Mama drama his poll numbers have slipped.

    So the next few days will speak  volumes.

  8. I think he thought that by choosing a women running mate he would have it made with the female vote. I think he may have shot himself in the foot. I guess will find out in November. Darling if Mc Cain let someone else choose his VP what other decisions is he going to leave to other people to make? Can we afford to have him in office if he can't make decisions on his own????

  9. Obama's speech wasn't all that

    It also had a lot of socialism in it

    McCain thought it through, and threw down the gauntlet; I don't agree with all her views, but her candidacy will have a significant long-term positive effect on American society---it already has.  McCain did a good thing.   She was going to enter the national political stage soon; this is the best introduction for her to have, with someone like McCain.  She'll be a fine Vice President, potentially a fine President

  10. No.  He didn't even have her vetted.  And he was pressured by Focus on the Family and others in a secret meeting.

  11. She is a cartoon character and supposed poster child for a successful conservative woman. However, the reality is, she is just as dangerous as McCain. Do they actually believe that Americans support the quagmire in the Middle East? American foreign policy is a worldwide joke. People in Iraq believe that we are there to take their oil. The reality is, we are taking their oil to refineries in California and killing hundreds of thousands by holding back medical supplies, medical personnel, clean water, proper sewage, and so on. Does American media cover this? Do Americans know these facts?

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