
Do you think McCain will do a better job than Bush?

by Guest34063  |  earlier

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If McCain is elected president do you think he will do a better job than Bush? The country is in the worst shape its been in in a long time ... And with McCain voting along side bush 90% of the time I do not see it getting any better in the next 4 - 8 years if he does win....




  1. no i think it will be about the same thats why id ont kno why idiots r voting for him..ljus cuz hes white and cuz they dont want a black president get over it!

  2. I feel if McCain is elected things will be even worse then it is now.  

  3. either about the same, or worse.

    and im pretty sure i know why mccain chose the vp that he did so he would get the hilary clinton supporters on his side.

    and if you have ever been on his website, it says "A Leader We Can Believe In."

    But what has Barack Obama been saying almost the whole time? "Change we can believe"!!!! the republicans are playing VERY dirty this election. VOTE OBAMA!

  4. I have answered this question several times in Y/A.

    This used to be my answer:

    Obama AND McCain would be far better presidents than Bush. Nobody can be as bad as Bush.

    Well, I changed my mind.

    If Palin became president she would be even worse than Bush.

    I thought that it was impossible that the Republicans found a person even dumber than Bush. I was wrong.

  5. No he will not do a better job.

    Don't vote McBush.

  6. He will do a better job.  He and Palin are what this country needs.

  7. Hard to say

    Bush never could get most of his ideas through, since  the Senate and the House of Representatives are DEMOCRAT . They made darn well sure that everything Bush wanted to do, was thrown out.

    If you want change, throw the Democrats out of power .

  8. The country is not in worst shape than it has been in years

    Do your own research instead relying on DU talking points

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