
Do you think McCain will drop his VP nominee?

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I found it hilarious, not to mention ironic that the "conservative" party chose a WOMAN with a pregnant teen daughter to be their vice president nominee. I have nothing against Mrs. Palin, I just think its funny.

This has the potential to get really ugly, I think.




  1. No he won't.

    If it gets ugly, it's only because people will keep bringing up the issue.  Senator Obama asked people not to make it an issue.  did he do this because he's a nice guy?  Perhaps he is a nice guy, but I doubt that's his motivation.  He fears the severe backlash that will keep him out of the White House if this keeps up.

  2. what a sham... see my post right after yours... The DNC rocked, Obama's Bounce would have been off the scale were it not for the 12 hour later "Palin-gate" ... I said from day one it was a ruse to distract the country which it totally did... however, Obama's bounce ended up being 5 points today in spite of the media in general quoting 4 points, Fox said it was 3 (LOL) ... ANYWAY, they're in trouble because those crazy rightsters love her.. too bad she'll have to bow out for personal reasons...

    don't worry Cons, you'll get your Mitt after all...

  3. No, just because a commodity trading market offered a contract to predict weather or not she would be dropped doesn't mean anything. These are they same people predicted oil to go up to $200 a barrel this year and are predicting $60.00 a barrel.  

  4. No, I don't expect that he will.

    As for Mrs. Palin, well, it isn't her fault that her daughter is pregnant ..... she didn't s***w her own kid.  

    A parent can only do so much to teach their child values. That doesn't mean that the child (or teen) is going to take on the parent's values, regardless of how much those values are stressed in the home.  Her daughter has a mind of her own. (as do all of her children) Everybody makes mistakes and you cannot fault the parent for what the child does.

    I don't think it will get ugly, as every politician has a tad bit of "scandal" surrounding them. It's just the way it is.  Palin isn't so experienced as the other possible nominees, but McCain chose her i am sure, because her personal beliefs for the most part went along with his, she has SOME experience and also, because she's a woman and he is trying to gain the support and vote of Clinton supporters who want to see a Woman in the White House, even if she's VP and not Commander-In-Chief.

    Obama has plenty of his own scandal, as does Biden. So Palin's knocked-up daughter i think is the least concern to voters as it really doesn't affect the critical issues that matter in casting a vote, suchas economy (jobs and healthcare) and moral issues suchas Pro-Life/Pro-choice (For or against Child Murder and slaughtering the unborn to avoid responsibility) topics.

    Besides, she's pro-right to bear arms and can fire a riffle, so ... she pretty much secures the Red-neck Vote as well.

    I think she was a decent choice, for more than one reason, and i am just super-glad that McCain didn't go with Romney.



  5. No, it shows the lack of unity and intelligence within the Republican Party.

  6. Hurricane Sarah is going to run wild tonight!

  7. Of course he won't. She remains a great choice. For him to drop her is just wishful thinking by desperate democrats.

  8. Truthfully, I don't know. If he drops her, he gets the Religious Right mad and then he looks indecisive. If he keeps her, she dooms his campaign because now her 'story' is plastered all over the tabloids. He's kind of screwed if he does, screwed if he doesn't.

  9. No, because in the end, this "news story" isn't really news at all.  A seventeen year old is pregnant....who really gives a c**p? It happens all the time.  Now if her 7 year old daughter was pregnant, THAT would be a news story. This will blow over, there's just not that much there.

  10. McCain is the most qualified man in Congress.  He knows what he is doing!

  11. No I don't think he will.  Something absolutely incredible would have to surface for that to happen.  If a bombshell comes out of the "trooper gate" or if she is shown to be too closely linked to Stevens that might do it.

  12. No, I hope he doesn't.  She won't appeal to the Independents or the Hillary supporters so he will lose.  Obama/Biden 2008.

  13. Ahhhh liberal fantasies. Are you that scared? Why would they drop a VP that has more experience than Obama?

  14. He cannot afford to drop his choice as you must well know.  

  15. I don't think McCain will drop Palin. He's already supported her, he already stuck up for her, she was at the convention. Palin can twist this into her being "a regular woman with regular problems"  

  16. You may think that but, how many young friends do you have that are pregnant? She has more connection with the middle class than anybody else running on either side of the party. Would you choose to keep a down syndrome child versus abortion? She did. Where are the women's rights groups at in her defense? Could it be because she is Republican?

  17. if McCain drops hers, Can i have her as my VP?

  18. Did you find it funny and ironic that Bush/Cheney were elected even after it came out that Cheney had a g*y daughter?

  19. No, at least shes not black

    (had to go there haha)

  20. Finding it funny shows how lacking as a human you are.  I found it refreshing, and it makes me want to vote for them more.

  21. No, he should keep her your first decision is usually th e correct decision!

  22. I agree with you it is very ironic. It just shows that univerce gives everyone what they deserve.

  23. When a female is put on the ticket The Democrats want to talk experience, kinda funny when all the foreign Experience Obama has is at Ihop

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