
Do you think McCain will try to use Gustav to his advantage?

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Hurricane Gustav is making landfall in Louisiana right about now. Thanks to proper preparations, I don't expect this storm to be anywhere near as devastating as Hurricane Katrina was. I started thinking, though, and can't help but wonder if McCain will try and use the aftermath of the storm to his advantage (assuming the preparations pay off). For some reason, I can see McCain bringing this up later in the debates as something as a success for his campaign (which it isn't, and it's disgusting if he actually does this). What do you think?




  1. Obama has already beaten him to the punch.

  2. You mean like you are? No.  

  3. I agree with you 100%

    If he uses Gustav for political reasons, he should be ashamed of himself!!!!!

    That would be disgraceful......

  4. The Republicans will try to do everything they can to make us forget their miserable failure to respond to hurricane Katrina. While Katrina was devastating the gulf region Senator McCain was having birthday cake with George Bush.

  5. well within his right since he is held to a standard that the other senators seem to not be held accountable to.

    Anyway, he's much too sincere to take credit when its not due... unlike his unaccomplished competition.

  6. I think he's smart enough to know if he tries to use a hurricane to his advantage he will be called out on it and it would backfire.

  7. I think it's disgusting that you would even consider this. It doesn't matter how he addresses the hurricane situation, people like you will accuse him of "using it for his advantage." How on earth could a disaster be to anyone's "advantage"?  

  8. Do you mean will McCain use Gustav to his advantage like the Dems have tried to use the debacle of the aftermath of Katriana (caused by local and state Dem officals) to their advantage?  No I don't, he has bigger fish to fry, ones called Obama/Bidden that are in season now.

  9. Sure he will.  The same way barack obama will use the money he raises from his e-mail drive to make it look like a success for him.  Its called politics... thought most people realized what that word meant

  10. Politics is the art of the possible, so yes.

  11. Anything bad Republicans use as the advantage.  "Elect me or there will be another 9/11"  "elect me or there will be another hurrican Gustav" thats a new one.  

  12. No, he will not....

    ST. PAUL, Minn. - John McCain tore up the script for his Republican National Convention on Sunday, canceling most opening-day activities and positioning himself as above mere politics as Hurricane Gustav churned toward New Orleans.

    "This is a time when we have to do away with our party politics and we have to act as Americans," he said as fellow Republicans converged on their convention city to nominate him for the White House.

    On the eve of his convention, McCain took on the role of a concerned potential president determined to avoid the errors made by President Bush three years ago. "I have every expectation that we will not see the mistakes of Katrina repeated," he said.

    Bush and Vice President Cheney scrapped plans to address the convention on Monday, and McCain's aides chartered a jet to fly delegates back to their hurricane-threatened states along the Gulf Coast. Campaign manager Rick Davis said the first-night program was being cut from seven hours to two and one half.

    McCain said in an interview with NBC that it was possible he would make his acceptance speech not from the convention podium but via satellite from the Gulf Coast region.

    The formal business of the convention includes nominating McCain for president and Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin as his vice presidential running mate on Wednesday. McCain's acceptance speech, set for prime time on Thursday evening, is among the most critical events of the campaign for his chances of winning the White House.

    The hasty reordering of an event months in the planning was unprecedented, affecting not only the program on the podium but the accompanying fundraising, partying and other political activity that unfolds around the edges of a national political convention.

    McCain said he was looking forward to being at the convention but did not say when he would arrive. He spoke from St. Louis after he and Palin received a briefing on hurricane preparations on a quick visit to Jackson, Miss.

    Democratic rival Barack Obama got a briefing, too, by telephone from Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff. Obama heard about the status of the storm, the evacuation effort and coordination between federal, state and local authorities, according to Democratic campaign adviser Robert Gibbs.

    McCain campaign manager Davis told reporters inside the convention hall that the opening program on Monday would be "business only and will refrain from political rhetoric."

    To help those in need, he said, "We are working with the delegations, financial people, finance committees, many other concerned individuals to do what we can to raise money for various charities that operate in the Gulf Coast region."

    As for the convention schedule, he added that further adjustments would be made on a day-to-day basis.

    McCain said of his briefing in Mississippi: "I'm happy to report to you that the coordination and the work that's being done at all levels appears to be excellent." He cited remaining challenges in communications and search and rescue operations, but emphasized that the response seemed to be going more smoothly than the one three years ago.

    The Bush administration's handling of that storm contributed to a plunge in the president's approval ratings that helped the Democrats win control of Congress in 2006.

    The uncertainty contrasted with a state of readiness inside the Xcel Center, a hockey arena transformed into a made-for-televison red-carpeted convention hall. Thousands of red, white and blue balloons nestled in netting high above the floor — to be released during final-night festivities if the Republicans decide to go ahead with them.

    Outside, police took nine people into custody for crossing a security barrier in an anti-war march. The nine, including two women in their 70s, were charged with trespassing, according to Doug Holtz, a St. Paul police commander.

    Emphasizing their concern about the hurricane, McCain and his newly named running mate traveled to Mississippi for a tour of the state's emergency management center.

    "I pledge that tomorrow night, and if necessary throughout our convention, we will act as Americans, not as Republicans," McCain told reporters moments later.

    The events temporarily overshadowed a more traditionally political pre-convention debate over McCain's decision to name Palin to his ticket. She was mayor of small-town Wasilla, Alaska, for six years before she became governor in December 2006.

    Responding to a question after his hurricane-related remarks, McCain made a ringing defense of Palin, who Democrats argue has less experience than their presidential candidate, Obama.

    "I thin Sen. Obama, if they want to do down that route, in all candor, she has far, far more experience than Sen. Obama does," McCain said.

    He cited Palin's stint as governor of a "state that produces 20 percent of America's energy" as well as her previous membership in the PTA and her time spent

  13. Earlier today when I saw him giving a press conference from an area that was being evacuated (why was he there? just in the way) I called my friend and said 'how much do you want to bet he gives his nomination acceptance speech via satelite from somewhere on the gulf coast?

    Well low and behold what did I just see crawl across the ticker....that is a distinct possibility.

  14. Hmm..I dunno

    I was thinking more along the lines that the libs would blame Gustav on Bush and McCain...

  15. Oh yes..he is gonna milk this one for all it is worth. But that will not sway my vote at all.

    Obama/Biden 08

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