
Do you think Melbourne will get a Super 14's team in 2010?

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As there is a new TV right deal coming in 2010 for the Super 14's do you think that Melbourne has a chance of securing a spot in the Super 14's competition?

I have been waiting for a Rugby Union team from Melbourne for years, when the Melbourne Rebels came, I thought it was one of the best sporting things that has happened in Melbourne. As they are now defunct after only one year, I am hoping that Melbourne will get a Super 14's team in the near future.

Do you think that Melbourne will be the 5th team from Australia in 2010, to even up the numbers of teams from NZ and RSA?




  1. To be frank I think Melbourne will struggle to do it by 2010.  The game is in a state of flux at the moment. Besides I seriously think that 4 teams are as much as Australian rugby can support at the moment.  In fact due to the player strength I suspect the real number is three.

  2. I'm not an avid follower of Southern Hemisphere Rugby so this is news to me, that is that Melbourne don't have a team in the Super 14.

    I think its quite strange that Melbourne, a great sporting city, don't have one and hope they do in the near future.

  3. The real reason is that rugby, let alone union is a very small sport in melbo. People have far greater regard for aussie rules teams than rugby (just look at the ratio of AFL teams from Melbourne to those outside it)

    Before they would even consider starting a team there, there would have to be the demand, which I don't think there is.

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