
Do you think Miami Heat were smart?

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since they knew that the Heat weren't making the playoffs, they made the starters to take a long break(marion, wade, wright,etc) caz of injuries and they hired D-leagues to play for the heat, so they will lose a lot of games at 2007-2008 season and that cause us to get the second pick and we snatched chalmers.what do you think the heat will do next?




  1. if they really did tank games, then its unsportsmanlike to do so, but i dont blame them, they were going no where and they really couldve used that time to rest wade.

    you would think the players would realyl be against this, since they claim basketball is their passion and they play hard every night trying to win games.

  2. I think Pat Riley made a wrong choice for several reasons:

    1. 2007-2008 season they got the worst score.

    2. How would they know if beasley and chalmers are good. They don't know yet until season starts. So they are putting high hopes on rookies.

    3. They should have traded away shaq before season started.

    4. Pat Riley should have lowered Dwyane Wade's minutes to let him avoid injuries.

    5. Pat Riley should have traded away Dwyane wade for 2 or more good players because a franchise cannopt allow a player top be injured for every season.

    - i hoped this has helped with your question  

  3. yea it was smart but alotta fans didnt like dat

  4. No. Playing to lose, how fun is that to watch.

    The Heat should be demoted to the D-League.

  5. They're going to play to win.  However, I doubt it if they'll make it far.  The Eastern is no longer the Leastern Conference it used to be.  I say the 8 seeds go to (in no particular order): Philly, Detroit, Boston, Orlando, Washington, Cleveland, Toronto, and maybe Chicago.  Plus the Knicks with D'Antoni will start to shape up.  Shawn Marion will be traded by Christmas.

  6. It's never cool to tank games to get a draft pick. They should have been fined but they did have a BS excuse that "marion" was injured and some other guys. But w/e the heat aren't making anymore moves as of now. But they might try to go get a center.

  7. probably play out the season. unless they can somehow dump marion's contract for another player or a sign and trade... josh smith maybe?! would be good for them.  

    they're a young team now with shaq, walker, williams, and davis (he's only 29, but still) gone.. maybe zo if he decides to hang 'em up for sure. and they have no proven inside scorer because beasley is just getting his feet wet and marion isn't an effective low-post scorer as much as he is a threat for scoring off the rebound and missed shots, on the break and the occasional three. i believe its a growing period for them, and they still have dwyane wade who by himself can win a game here and there.

    the bottom of the east is still up for grabs though, and they could sneak in... maybe even scare a team the way atlanta did.  

  8. They didnt loose to to get the second draft pick they didnt know they would of got it!!

  9. ok really now..theyre NBA TEAMS... ppl pay money to watch the games... if i was living in miami and i was watching a game only to see the heat not trying... :@ ... id bee pissed.... ye theyre a team but its all for the fans ..what kind of **** *** stategy is that.... they play for the fans not for themselves.... selffish if you ask me....  

  10. They still won't get past my Pistons!  

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