
Do you think Michael Phelps is hot?

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I keep telling everyone he looks like a chimp. They always get mad.

Women only like him for his bod & his medals. And the fact that he was given a million dollar sponsorship by Speedo.




  1. Not really, they'res something up with his teeth.  

    He's an awesome swimmer I just don't think he is really that good looking.

    He looked awesome when he had longer hair though.

  2. ummmmmmmmmmmm heck yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! call me weird but its not the body, its the cuute overbite

  3. no he's not hot, just a good athlete  

  4. no

  5. I Think he is HOT!

  6. Ew no.  He's ugly   I wouldn't call him a chimp but something a little more primate than that.  Like a sloth or something.

  7. I now call him "The Big Lily of Swimming." Very hot!

    I call him that not only because he is the olympian who surpassed Mark Spitz, winning 8 swimming gold medals to overtake Mark Spitz's 7 gold medals in the Munich 1972 games, but also because he is a big role model for would-be competitive swimmers.

    He is like a flourishing lily that had already grown to full blossom and showing his splendor. That is why I call him the "Big Lily".

    All of the USA swim team members who are going to the next Olympic trials for the 2016 London games will be inspired by him to get a lot more swimming medals, even if Phelps decides to add to his already 8 gold medals by competing in the 2016 games anyway.

    But now, Michael Phelps joins the club of the "greatest" of USA olympic athletes, like Al Orter, Bruce Jenner, Jesse Owens, Carl Lewis, and Wilma Rudolph.

    But I think Phelps overtakes them all.

  8. I do think he is hot His medals and his body are absolutely wonderful, but what gets my every timeis his smile. He flashes those pearly whites and I swoon. He seems like a great guy and he almost seems void of arrogance and *********. In looks he is okay but his smile is my favorite feature. I loved his excitment when Jason Lee Zack won the gold for their relay team or when Michael Phelps almost lost but out touched his competitor. Now those were some of my most favorite moments of the Olympics.

  9. eew no


  11. Great athlete but I don't think he is hot.  

  12. No. I dont think he's hot. But he seems like a laid back sweet guy, and that makes him cute to me. Personality really means alot. Oh and the fact that he's rich helps

  13. I'm a guy,so i won't answer hot or not qs..

    but he has a really good personalities tho,and i think his face really assembly nice personality

  14. I dont think hes hot, but i think hes cute....and thats usually my type. He does have a hot body, but i think his face is adorable too. I couldn't really care less about the medals or money. He just seems so adorable and sweet and ya. So, i guess i do think hes hot...i would totally want to date him :D

  15. h**l yeah.

    Have you seen his abs?

    And aside from the physical aspect, he's extremely humble and kind. He's never once boasted about getting eight gold medals.

    Personality & looks?!?

    I'm sold. :)

  16. I would say adorable. kinda like puppy cute.

  17. he is in drugs

  18. He's hot. :) Hehe.

  19. the entire package is nice... i work with pretty nurses who have married ugly a$$ doctors because of the md title..  Phelps is definately a cutey.... any one who is determined and responsible and over comes many obstacles as  he has is someone to look up to. body and soul he looks like a s**y man!!  watch his butt marry a movie star ..who knows jennifer aniston has been dating every one and thier mother... phelps might be  

  20. He hasnt got the typical american good look but i gotta admit that he is way HOTTER than most of the good looking guys because what he did on his life, i mean he didnt get what he has now by chance,he works hard for it..

  21. hes alright...;...

  22. he's not ugly, he's not hot.

    he actually looks like a very nice person from the outside

  23. personally i think his ears are really big and his teeth are messed up. so to answer ur question, no i don't think he is hot. hes a really good athlete though!

  24. I love the guy and can tell you it's NOT for his medals or status. Yes, I can't deny that his body is perfection but he also is humble and sweet. He truly cares about people and gives back to the community. This adds to his appeal for me and makes me find him absolutely gorgeous. But yeah, I've heard the chimp comment. And people saying he looks like a goon. We all have our own tastes though, a lot of people many others find attractive I don't.  

  25. haha i see where you might be coming from with the whole chimp thing. his ears are also kinda sticky outy. but he has an effin HOT body!

  26. from the neck down heck yes.

  27. He is too arrogant, he needs to learn humility.  All swimmers have good body shape so its nothing special.

  28. he has got one HOT body, but his smile it's almost rat-like. he's an awesome athlete, and a nice guy so....he's hot on the's a d**n shame that he isn't good looking though.

  29. I'm not g*y...but I'll judge him purely on looks...just what I say about him doesn't mean I wanna have s*x with him.  Honestly...he's got an amazing body...if not kind of out of proportion, his legs are short, and his torso is long as ****.  His face looks like he always has a goofy expression, and yeah, his ears do stick out and it makes him look like a chimp, an average if not ugly face....but his body makes up for it.  Besides that though, has anyone ever heard him talk?  His lisp is mad annoying and makes him sound like he attends special needs class.  Again, just being totally truthful...I'm not jealous at all, good for him on winning, he's set for life, and he'll be knee deep in p***y.

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