
Do you think Michael Phelps?

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would date a black girl? This is probably a stupid question, but I was reading it online somewhere. A lot of people said because he likes rap he'd date a black girl. Which I think is really ignorant. But yeah..answer my question please!!

No rude or smart *** comments! : )




  1. Get ready for an PC crash. Everybody that will answer this is an expert on this very subject so you will have to read a lot of big essays.

  2. I really don't see why not, if they are nice and he liked them he would.

  3. I don't see why not...

    I know you probably think this is ignorant. But its true:

    He loves rap, hip hop, and obviously the black culture.

    Thus, he will feel comfortable around people associated with that culture.

    So, I can't read minds, but i would say SURE!

    Me, I am white. I dislike much rap music (the industry is basically dead).

    Yet, i can picture myself being with a lady of ANY race. I've been interested in quite a few black ladies. To me, the different races just make things a lot more variant and interesting. I love it ;D

  4. Of course but it's tough for Phelps to find a black girl coz Phelps spends time in the pool, black girl in track and field

  5. Perez Hilton says he's either dating a British model or an all time swimmer, who used to pose for playboy.

    He really should date someone who likes him for he who is and not his celebrity status.

    lol. You have a chance! He'd date a girl of any race.

  6. He could date anyone any colour of the rainbow, he doesn't act like an ignorant a$$, he seems very down to earth and a sweet guy.

  7. How in the world would we know that?  Anyways i think it's his own personal preference, I'm sure it has nothing to do with race itself.  He could date a japanese, chinese, korean, filipino if he wants.  I don't think he seems the type to judge people based on race.  But he might prefer a certain criteria, that we don't know about, it's too private.

  8. Whoever said that statement is ignorant. As for your question, I have no idea on his taste in women.

  9. I hope so! I'm half black as well. My parents live in Baltimore. I don't see why him liking rap has to do with what race he likes. People are ignorant.

  10. I don't think he'd care. I'm not really sure of his personal preferences or whatever, but considering the kind of person he seems to be, I don't think he'd discriminate. Whether he's attracted to African Americans is a whole other story. I think he would be the only person to accurately answer that.

  11. WOW those ppl who made that statement are hilariuos. i not being rude its just funny. why does it matter if he likes rap and how is that connected to black women...unless he actually said i like rap by black women (missy elliot lil kim etc.) because i like black women. i think its just a generalization made by ppl.. but if he does props to him right?!!? i listen to rap but date  white guys

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