
Do you think Michael Phelps will win 2 more gold medals...?

by Guest55800  |  earlier

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...and break Mark Spitz's record of 7 gold medals in a single Olympics?




  1. honestly, i do think he will.

    he is very capable.

  2. Yes.

    I think he'll beat the Serbian tonight for Gold number 7 but I don't think he'll claim the WR on this one (I hope I'm wrong).

    I don't think Ian Crocker will be a factor.

    I think the 4x100 Medley relay will be won by a wide margin: 1+ second with a new WR for Gold number 8.


  3. Totally he is amazing i admire him so much! WOOT GO PHELPS! Lol I have been going crazy over the tv screaming ha ha, I went swimming today and I cant even imagine being able to do what phelps does!

  4. Yes, he just won his seventh and I believe he'll continue to win.

  5. absolutely. it wont be easy as you can tell for the 100 fly prelims...but michael is determined and i think we all know that when he wants it, hes going to get it =]

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