
Do you think Microsoft is scared of LittleBigPlanet?

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Do you think Microsoft is scared of LittleBigPlanet?




  1. There jsut scared off the whole PS3.

    they released the 360 early to eat up Ps3 market, even before they had console sorted, so early users had RROD.

    When Ps3 shipped with Blu-Ray they knocked out hte now obsolete HD-DVD add-on.

    Mii's were popualr -they are releasing Avatars later this year.

    If we see a LBP clone on 360 then its evident they are afraid of the game, though for now 360 is aimed at hardcore users n have very little casual gmaer,s while LBP is based at both markets most 360 owners wont be lookign at PS3 exclusives, so Ms are pretty safe on losing 360 owners to LBP.

    I'm hyped up for it, but my 360 owner mate has no idea why, n origainlly thought it was a sequel to a completly diffrnet game.

  2. I don't think so. I don't think MS would be scared. But it would be another game to counter the "PS3 has no games" excuse.

  3. Why would Microsoft have any reason to be afraid of one game? When LittleBigPlanet comes out, I'm positive that the millions of XBox360 owners aren't going to drop their controllers, return their 360s, and purchase PS3s just to play the game. The 360 has a lot of games that you can't find on the PS3, and vice versa. Worst case scenario, fewer people will be on Live for a few months.

    One game is not enough to make or break a console.

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