
Do you think Minnesota is the worst state weather wise?

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I have about had it living here. The winters last from the end of OCT unitill the end of April! We got over two feet of snow a couple weeks ago... and now we are due for some more! Weather channel says 5 more days of snow!During the winter it is not uncommon to have -50 degree below zero windchill! It seems like when ever I watch the weather channel, Minnesota is the state with the worst weather! Sorry, after 7 long months of winter, i am ready for some sun!




  1. There is one place in NY that had 60 inches of snow...and vermont always seems as bad!

  2. Close...I understand a little of what you're going through, as I'm from Michigan. Minnesota is worse. But Alaska has it worse than you do! And I'd imagine that North Dakota has it about as hard as you do.

  3. nope...Would you like to try Maine? They are still getting our left overs...I live in Fargo,ND/try living in Buffalo,N.Y.

  4. It is actually not all that common to experience temperatures of -50 or more though from time to time it does.  Other people confuse wind chill temperatures with ambient temperatures and there is a difference.

  5. honestly i dont think so. i live here too but i live in Southern minnesota. the weather is beautiful and we have had 70 degree days the past few days. absolutely gorgeous outside. as much as the snow is bad the scenery and serenity in the summer time is 10 times better. the good outweighs the bad by far

  6. Texas has crazy weather...Snow while you sleep...scorching hot during the day... I wonder how we don't keep....pneumonia

  7. no. Mississippi is. Tornadoes. Hurricanes such as Katrina.... humidity is AWFUL. its freezing from Oct. to May. The storms are tropical.

  8. I'd have to be willing to go to Minnesota to find out. I live in California, so I am satisfied with my weather. Korea had some bad weather, and I agree cold winters suck. I just don't get why people enjoy cold weather.

  9. I understand you craving for a change..., just as I do..., but of a different kind. We here in California who are famous for our so-called "perfect weather" are not all inclined to agree.

    I'd give anything for a snow storm, some thunder or even some light drizzle.

        I used to think the guy who worked at the return desk at a 99 cent store was the most useless job out there, but now I am sure it would be a weatherman in So. Cal.

        Maybe we could do one of the cultural exchange things. I'm sure we both would love it!

  10. It may not be the worst but you sure do get some rough winters up there.

  11. I live in Minnesota, too, and though I don't mind heavy snow, it is the bitter cold that gets on my nerves.  Of course, bitter cold and heavy wind is a far worse thing than just the cold.  

    It seems to me that the northern part, and north-eastern parts of North Dakota get the lowest temps and the highest winds.

  12. No way!! I don't know why, but I'm actually very upset by you saying that! I'm originally from Minnesota, but for many years have been living in Texas. I hate Texas weather so much and can't wait to move back to Minnesota one day. I seriously love Minnesota!

  13. i'd have to go with washington state.... too much rain, not enough sun

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