
Do you think Montgomery Inn even comes close to Big Art's?

by Guest62281  |  earlier

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Take away the atmosphere and all that silly stuff. Just talkin food here, isn't that the reason you go out to eat in the first place ?




  1. not even close..

  2. Thats part of the reason.  But that doesnt mean I want to take my family someplace where there are bugs crawling in the kitchen and I am sitting in a crack den either.

    *Ah*, I knew it was about time for someone to come back and try to pump Big Art's again with some free advertising.

    I still believe that the Montgomery Inn has the best RIBS in town (not Bar-B-Que).  For Bar-B-Que, I still personally like Burbanks.

    Maybe you should sell gift certificates at a good price on eBay or something to Big Arts, if you really need to drum up business so badly.

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