
Do you think Most Haunted is real or made up for the camera?

by Guest64544  |  earlier

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Do you think Most Haunted is real or made up for the camera?




  1. Yes, Most Haunted is a real TV show and yes it is also made up for the camera (like most if not all TV shows).


  2. Well if you believe in God then its real but if you have a brain then No

  3. The ADMITTED that 'most' of the thing's on the show is fake.

    It's on YouTube somewhere. BUT It's exacly like WWE We all know most of It is fake, but It's fun to watch anyway (Mind you I watch It with mates for a good laugh).

  4. Its pure entertainments. Ghosts don't perform on cue.... except on Most haunted.

  5. I would assume 10% of it's real but since nothing that exciting happens, they add more to it that is fake to keep the show going.

  6. What they say is "ghostly phenomenon" is real like when a speck floats past the camera and that's the dead woman they trying to prove exists , the speck is real but if you look very closely you see...its just a speck and what they do proves nothing.

  7. It's made up for TV. Good Grief! These guys are such losers, but they talk as if they know everything.

    Just remember, arrogant people are usually wrong.

  8. Go to and see for yourself.

  9. I believe in ghosts but personally i think its made up. I used watch series 1 (mainly to watch Jason Karl) & back then maybe one or two little things would happen, but as the series went on more & more stuff is happening & its just becoming unrealistic that so much would happen every time they go to a place. Theres another program, I cant remember what its called, but they go looing for ghosts too & they focus more on natural causes rather than jumping to conclusions like the Most Haunted team, & sometimes nothing happens at all. Also, im not sure if this means anything, but a few years ago I was a member of some Jason Karl fan site, I cant remember what it was called, but he came on & did a like webchat & when someone asked about if its made up or not he said his contract forbids him from talking about it, even after he leaves the show. Maybe because theres something to hide?


  11. made up ghosts aren't real!

  12. i think its really cant fake ghost

  13. I think it is real.

  14. Plainly,the show is fodder for idiots of the ilk that watch reality TV shows.

  15. I personally believe it's all made up for the camera. Ghosts are not real.

  16. No, its completely fictitios. The "psychics" are the ones who do the pre-research, and then they walk around pretending they are getting the information through psychic intuition.

    I love the fact that they film most of it in what I call green-o-vision. It makes it more intense when that blond chick starts freaking out.

  17. The show is a load of bunk!

    If you go into You Tube and type in Most Haunted, there are several clips to choose from that proves their investigations are fraudulent.

    During seances you can see Yvette is the one causing the table to move around because the table cloth under her hands is moving and bunching up.

    You can see hand tendons moving as they are using Ouija boards.

    And listen to their out takes, making jokes about stones or marbles being thrown.

    Or Derrick making a remark about a spirit needing D-ick badly.

  18. Unless I have experienced it myself, I am skeptical.

  19. Turn off the lights, film in IR, run around a la Blair Witch, and scream as the camera man bangs a door off camera, scream ad nauseum. What do you mean is it real? Course it is, a jumpy pillock who scares easily, why not?

    Are there any ghosts? Course not, get a grip! Orbs, ghosts, channeling, all c**p. Derek Akora (don`t know his spelling) total bollocks, however, I always p**s myself laughing at him....

    "Whats that Sam, he was a young lad, what, oh a teenager with one leg, Sam whats he called? Ahhh, Stumpy Oleg McNoleg"

    Priceless stuff!

  20. I believe the things portrayed on the show can be real outside of the show. But what they are filiming on the show is totally fake.

  21. I think it's made up for the camera. I have watched a few times and have never seen anything happen that was like wow that was freaky.

  22. its made up there was a program about it ages ago, but i do believe is ghosts and spirts!

  23. I have watched this series, and to be honest I can't say I have ever being convinced by anything I have seen. Table tipping, right, footsteps...ok, orbs......mmmmm. I think it may well be made up.

  24. definitely made up for the camera.

  25. That's that show with that British lady, right, and that medium who has a spirit who talks to him, whose name is Sam?? If I'm thinking of the same show, then I'm ITA with Tommy Boy. I believe in ghosts and spirits (I better, cause they sure believe in me! lol), but that show is totally overdramatic. And quite honestly, I do NOT agree in going to a very well known haunted place and taunting the spirits until they give you the response that you want. It's rude and just plain cruel. Spirits were people once, with real feelings, and guess what, just because the body dies doesn't mean the emotions do. Patrick Swayze's character Sam in Ghost was DO take the love with you.

    Sorry, can you tell that's a sore subject for me? I hate that show and other shows like it that are so overdramatic.

  26. Real stories - though I;m not sure about the truth. And the people  who they may say have lived there x years ago is probably true.

    But the whole show - totally bull. Shame - I loved the show when it first came out, but I think they realised that if they wanted to keep making money, a few orbs were not going to hack it :)


  27. i think its all done for TV, i am a sceptic so if i don`t or haven`t seen any evidence for the paranormal how can it be believed

  28. made up

  29. it's all made up - some companies will do anything for ratings..........

  30. I thought everything you see on TV is real?

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