
Do you think NASA is hiding something?

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Why is it that every Mars Rover ends up being sabotaged, are they trying to keep information from us or what? I just read that the new rover found frozen water but the robotic arm got seized, frankly I think it's a lie, what do you think?




  1. Yes....

    About what ??

    I don't know.

    But the very nature of what NASA does would demand that they keep secrets.

    Yeah, the Mars missions gone wrong so many times makes me think something is up !

  2. Don't call people an "imbecile" if you write "your" instead of "you are"...

  3. The mars rover had a force field around it to prevent sabotage.

      The water melted and rusted the arm and seized it up.

      The truth shall prevail.

  4. Why would they cover something up?

    They've been dealing with so many budget cuts, and you honestly think they'd cover up a major discovery?  Get real...  If they discovered something important it would get them all the financing they need.

    So you think they're hiding something that would make them both rich and famous.  Why?

  5. I think you're basing your theory on absolutely nothing.  What do you think?

  6. If you only knew kid... if you only knew...


    1."Project Bluebeam"

    2. "Dark Mission"

  7. Nasa has a lot to hide, from the fake apollo missions to the mars rovers landing safely on mars. They have screwed the tax payers out of billions. Nasa has mooned us all.





  8. Of course they are, they would not very smart if they didn't.  Would they?

  9. You can think what you like :-)

    PS the only thing NASA is hiding is it's own INCOMPETENCE ...

  10. dang, i'm da best kept secret all along

  11. NASA is not hiding anything. If NASA really wanted to hide stuff they wouldn't have a website. We did land on the moon. 2012 is just a lie. There is no astroid there not telling us about. NASA is not lieing.

  12. Dr. Edgar Mitchell, who is a veteran of the Apollo 14 mission says that extraterrestials have visited earth before (on several occasions).

    He said during a recent radio interview that sources at NASA who had had contact with the aliens described them as "little people who look strange to us."

    He said they are similar to the traditional image of a "small gray" alien, "short, slight frame, large eyes and large head."

    As for technology, Mitchell states human technology is not nearly as sophisticated as the aliens.

    Though, he said, "had they been hostile, we would be been gone by now."

    Take it with a grain of salt, the guy is 77 years old. But there you have it!

  13. lol, the list goes on and on, no ending there. People say that NASA has found that aliens exist possibly ones who are smarter and more advanced than us and can possibly kill us... there's said to be more planets that NASA muclear-bombed for testing... and that Bush made a deal with Al Quedia and the oil merchants to cause 9/11 so he could make money off it. And the people who said them (mostly TV) have plenty of evidence. Would u believe this?? I actually do believe some. Cause there's this thing called mass human panic which will be caused if NASA knows when human race will die and why (time machine), the natural order has been disbalanced, or aliens are watching us right now and there the 'so called God'

    PS: I'm not a atheist but thats kinda creepy....

  14. Oh, you mean those unreleased photos showing the faces of the Barsoomians looking up at the rover cameras?

    Get a grip.  NASA isn't covering up anything.  The arm has grit in it.  They're not even covering up the fact that the whole mechanism could have been better designed.

  15. I think you're living in a fantasy world. I don't think you fully appreciate just how successful the Mars rovers have been, both from a technological and mission standpoint. They were intended to survive for a few months, but it is now almost two years and they are STILL running. And you have the temerity to whinge about their parts seizing up now? Get your head out of the clouds.

  16. I think I agree with lith.

    Do you also think that the moon landing was faked and that the world is going to end in 2012?

    Do you have any evidence whatsoever to support this theory? And why on Earth would NASA want to sabatoge something that is a symbol of the need for them in this terrible economy, as well as a machine that took billions of dollars to build?

    EDIT: Look, there is absolutely no reason on the face of this Earth for why NASA would seize the robotic arm or say that it did seize. There is no need to do this at all. Why would they do this? We can assume all sorts of things because we want to.

    Its not like Mars has a friendly environment. With an average temperature of -150 degrees C, somethings are bound to get damaged at some point. And think about this, the mars rover has actually been functioning longer then it was supposed to, and longer than the expected. Its not like its hot off the conveyor belt!

    And again, why would they do this? NASA isn't afraid of finding traces of life on other planets. Thats what they are trying to do. They didn't go to Mars because they thought it would be a nice place to play with a robot, they went there to search for water, and to decide finally whether it was capable of sustaining life or not. They want to send a probe to Europa to look for life. Why would they do this, and then choose to break their robot's arm?

  17. On which observations do you base this theory?

    For example during the cold war, all Russian probes to Mars failed. But the Viking probes operated almost perfectly.

    The Mars Rovers had so far been complete success stories - they lasted even longer and provided better science as expected.

    Phoenix is also no rover, it is a stationary laboratory probe. Essentially the refly of the Mars Polar Lander, which crashed because of a design error.

    The robot arm also did not get seized - I suspect more, the soil they gathered is just completely unlike they expected on Earth. Ice can stick very badly on a shovel, when you have the wrong conditions.

    So, if you search for stuff, NASA is hiding, better focus on why NASA has to build two bad launch vehicles, though  alternatives are around (EELV, DIRECT).

  18. Watch the documentary "The Missing NASA Transmissions"  you will probably find it on YouTube and elsewhere (say using Torrent or Emule).

    While this is not about the Mars missions - it is about NASA not showing all the footage they have available.  All the video shown in this documentary is directly from the early Space Shuttle missions - in which a community broadcaster was able to downlink the video feed directly.  The broadcaster could watch all of the video material available.

  19. It is not surprising machinery sometimes goes wrong on Mars!  You clearly have no concept of conditions there.  What is a testament to the engineers and designers is that it ever works at all.  As a professional astronomer, I do have an idea what it is like on Mars,  and I never cease to be amazed at how much more we are learning.  And by the way, I KNOW NASA is not hiding anything!

  20. I do think NASA maby hiding something. However, I dout that they would want to sabotage their own technology to keep it from the world. Besides, if they are hiding anything, I am sure they have a very good reason to be doing so. I have always wanted to go to the NASA research centre to see just how much they do know though, because you never know how much knowlege of the the Universe they actually have. Going back to your question, my guess is they would only be hiding something if the things they have found out about the Universe were too big and complex and purhaps even too scary to tell the world.

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