
Do you think Nadal's Girlfriend is hot?

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She attended the roger's cup (the first time I have seen her) and I thought she looked ok my friend said he thought she was really ugly though. What do you think?




  1. i think shes pretty stunning tbh.

    im jealous as h**l though haha.

  2. His "girlfriend" is rather pretty, but then most of the "girlfriends" are to cover up what REALLY is going on lol. Oh, I dont care, I love Nadal no matter what. Just wish actors/actresses, athletes more so, would just "come out" already instead of worrying what everyone thinks, and waits till retirement or death to admit the truth of one self. I always thought he was g*y, and all of a sudden a girlfriend appears. maybe he isnt, but again doesnt matter to me or shoudl matter to anyone. This young woman is rather pretty, and thats that.

  3. Not really. She's not my type. I prefer Mirka. I mean, she's not bad, but just not my type.

  4. She's a very pretty girl.  The short glimpse they showed of her during the match wasn't enough for people to draw a conclusion about her beauty.  So basically you guys are just hating on that girl bc you love him so much.  I love Nadal, but let's be realistic here!!!

    Oh and about it being a short lived romance...they've been together for 3 years, I didn't know that was considered short!!!

    Here are some pics of the 2 of them.  Also US Weekly had pics of them about a month ago.

  5. Shes very pretty, like a softer more bare sort of look. I don't think she wears a lot of makeup and accessories like a manic. She's very toned down and not over the top with fashion and clothes either. I don't rreally know but w/e

  6. She is quite pretty :)

    I really like the fact that Rafa chose a girlfriend who isn't a model, cause he could definitely get a date with a h**l of a lot of models lol

    She makes Rafa happy though, so it's all good :-P

  7. I wouldnt say she is hot. I dont think she is amazingly pretty... but she is good for Nadal and he seems to really like her, so if she makes him happy then that makes me happy that he`s happy hahahaha!!!

    She does have a great body tho...... but im sure he could find a girl who is prettier.

  8. He should've chose me as his gf.

  9. It really doesn't matter as long as Nadal likes her.

    Never judge people by the way they look.

  10. Not at all impressed, but maybe she has other qualities.  I think it's probably a short lived romance.

  11. Your friend is right she is really ugly.

  12. he doesn't have a girlfriend does he? He always said he never had a girlfriend

  13. I've never seen her.

  14. She's ok, but I wouldn't say "hot".  His face is sort of elfish looking.  I mean, HE's not all that great looking either. If he didn't have muscles, then he wouldn't really be a guy i'd look at twice.

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