
Do you think Nancy Pelosi Should Have been VP?

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For Obama or Mccain! She would have made a great VP! Would do you think?




  1. Nancy Pelosi should not even be a dog catcher.

    She wants Americans to pay thru the nose on energy prices, she walked out of the session and went on vacation while delaying the vote to expand domestic oil production.

  2. No, I think MCain, if he was thinking, should have selected one of the other popular GOP front runners like Romney or Huckabee.  Perhaps, he did, and they declined.  There could have been a lot of other possibilities other than Palin.  Also, I think he should have selected a man.  That would have been a shrewder political move.  A younger, dynamic and popular male VP candidate, perhaps a Southerner, would have been a better choice I think.

    And I am a L*****n from a liberal area and hold liberal values.  I will not vote Obama though.  It was Hillary or nobody as far as I am concerned.  

  3. h**l NO

    impeach her!

    what a ****!!!

    Oh, and that last one starts with a C

  4. No way in h**l, she is a beast, a @itch

  5. You are absolutely correct she would have been the perfect VP pick for Obama.  She is such a political asset for our country I feel she does not get the respect that is due to her.  PUMA LOL HAHAHA

  6. Nancy Pelosi should be locked up!

    She has violated her oath of office

    and obstructs justice on a daily basis!

    What ever happened to RULE OF LAW?

  7. Not for McCain silly, she's a Democrat. She likes her position as House Speaker.

  8. i suggest you get yourself some help you need it big time.

  9. Pelosi is a shortcut to h**l.

  10. she is not very popular right now and would have been a very poor choice for Senator Obama  Not qualified for Senator Mccain since Nancy is a Democrat

  11. I was looking for "LOL" after your post but I didn't see it.  Did you forget to put it there?

    No.  Pelosi wouldn't even be in Congress if she wasn't from the Bay area.   Great area....beautiful city, SF, and pretty land but they are messed up in the head when it comes to politics.  

  12. no

  13. No...I'd rather stub my toe on a sharp rock!

  14. Thanks for the laugh

  15. ya......the other 9% of Amwerica that agress with you would think so but the rest of us think your an idiot......

  16. She doesn't have the best approval rating right now. Peelow is fine where she is her position is very powerful and some would say a vp spot would be a down grade.

  17. uhh.....shes looking at a man, but Sarahs hot


    Just the thought makes me shiver.

  19. Please,you can't be serious. I would NEVER vote for a ticket that had her name on it.

  20. this is a serious section. please go to the joke section for question like that.

  21. she's one lousy house speaker so i guess not

  22. No.  She is a small time poitico in a small state.  Obviously McCain is reaching far... all the way to Alaska's remote areas to find someone.  I bet Joe Lieberman and Mitt Romney are steaming mad

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