
Do you think Nancy Pelosi and the Democratic led congress and senate are total failures?

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It's funny that Nancy Pelosi would say that President Bush is a total failure. Isn't that the pot calling the kettle black? Like most I voted for Change and voted the new democratic congress and senate in. Well Nancy Pelosi where is that CHANGE you promised. At least the republicans did more in as much as I hate to say. Okay, so Barak Obama was part of that Non-existent change in the senate and I believe his rhetoric which is growing more stale by the minute is a no change or change for the worst more government and so on. How on earth did these two main candidates are all we have to choose from money, power, fame, and we must vote party lines. WHY?? Change would be a revolution someone that will take charge and turn this ship around! Not by money,power,fame or who's political party is better..But by the US citizens and for the United states of America! I see no change either way until something major happens...I'm sick of hearing of g**s, abortions, social health care..




  1. Pelosi and Reid arr all talk, no actions.

    If they really wanted to do something valuable, they would call for a congressional investivation, to investigate why congressional investigations are a f#%$&^g waste ot time.


    This democratic led 110th Congress has been a disaster.No solutions for a nation riddled with problems.This isn't representation,this is a group of liberal individuals who focus  self interest groups and earmarks instead of the American people.

    Let's get Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi out of there

  3. Talking about not crossing party lines... how about Chuck Hagel being a possibility on Obama's ticket...

  4. Remember Nancy Pelosi made a proposal the day after became a House of the Speaker, she said she would get her first 100 days of many legislations get through, but she barely has gotten them through!!. Now she is having her August recess( a whole month) up coming on the last week of this month(according to recent Glenn Beck show on Headline News(CNN)) and how will she ever get it work? It is a total failure on her part is something she refuse to see on herself like for example she sees on her mirror like a witch like the Snow White Story.  Her colleague, a prominent democrat,Harry Reid is like her accessory in line to be a s***w up too. Harry's mind is like Las Vegas,(where he is from) and doesn't think anything doesn't need to look at it unless he is forced to. He doesn't want anyone to step over his boundary on his "job status"position. Finally to say, I agree with with you on most of it.

  5. Yes they are the worst congress in history, look at the 9% approval rating the lowest in history.

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