
Do you think Nancy Pelosi could say anything positive about the US without throwing up?

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Do you think Nancy Pelosi could say anything positive about the US without throwing up?




  1. i heard once she said "i dont completely hate the USA" and her head started spinning around and she started vomiting out all the aborted fetus's she had for dinner  

  2. shes a typical democrat

    total AirHead  know it All  

    loved that she got Chastised by The Archbishop

    loved it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Democrats think they rule everything      and they don't

  3. Honestly NO.  She pours out sweat of socialism/marxism.  I suggest if that is what she wants, she can go over to a European country and become a legal immigrant there.  She is a total failure and a disaster for this Country of ours.  I sure as h**l those Californians VOTE HER OUT.

  4. there should have been a recall vote immediately after she said impeachment was off the table

  5. She represents San Fransisco - what the h**l does she know about the United States?

    She lives in a delusional, idealistic, sanctuary city that is so removed from mainstream America that it could well be a foreign country.

  6. The sad thing about Pelosi is she's a complete hypocrite. She inherited her wealth, uses slave laborers for her vineyards, refuses to use union labor, and doesn't pay taxes

  7. You know, I can't remember the last time her or Michelle Obama said anything nice about America at all. Strange ain't it?

  8. after losing to the speech that democrat is a democrat , about four weeks ago democrats walked out because it was  vacationing the case in time .instead of trying to settle offshore drilling .the only thing the democrats lately solve is making sure they leave on vacation and a vote for a pay raise for them self .so that mean a president of the democrats is going on vacation and is world problems that concern us .just walk out instead and come back when he's down from his vacation just like the speaker of the house .

  9. I have not seen her throw up

    got video link?

  10. Probably not, I think it is against her nature. After all I think she hates America.

  11. Yes, but probably for $100K per response

  12. i'm sure she could say that the usa is a great place because she's a citizen, and that might make others throw up but not her.

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