
Do you think Neil Entwhistle will try to serve his sentence in the UK instead of the US?

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It wouldn't surprise me if he puts in an appeal to be allowed to serve his sentence in the UK. After all, we're so damned soft on murderers over here, he'd be a free man after just a few years in an all-comforts-provided "high security" mental facility (because he'd plead diminshed reponsibility)

Lets hope he stays in the US where they make life MEAN life

( I hate baby killers) . . .




  1. no.

  2. The guy isn't all there - if he appeals, he'll be denied. He committed double murder of the first degree, [evil giggle] he won't see the light of day here again and believe you me, the people in prison are waiting for him. There's certain things you just don't do and that's kill/rape a baby/child and harm/kill a woman! But child killers/beaters oh believe you me, he will get what's coming to him, we won't hear about it, but i have friends who are penitentary guards, they tell me it's like throwing fresh meat to the wolves so, i don't pitty him one bit. Jusice has been served for Lilly and Rachel!

  3. His lawyers might try it but they won't succeed. Let's hope he gets what he deserves in jail from the other cons.

  4. No.

    The British do not have an extradition treaty with the US that allows for convicted killers to do that.  By the way:  For what he did, the US authorities should be executing him.

    Sure:  You can be extradited for trial if, has there was, overwhelming evidence, but he has to serve his sentence where he committed his crimes.

    Hopefully, the general prison population, who theirselves frown upon such things will "welcome him with open arms".


    Proud Mama Texas.

    You have further elucidated on what I was saying.  Thank you.  In England it's just the same.  And bearing in mind that many warders are themselves also parents:  If one day he was found dead, I don't think they may be inclined to look too hard for the perpetrator(s.)

  5. Yes It is quite possible, it would not as you say be the first time that this sort of thing has happened.

    It is my fervent wish that he serve his sentence in the US Penal System, the other inmates will teach him the error of his ways!

  6. who is this man?

    actually who r u?

  7. He won't be able to. Britain has no vested interest in Entwhistle serving his time over here in the UK, as the crimes were committed and tried in the States. That is the reason he was extradited.

  8. I dont think so or hope so he should serve life

  9. he might want it

    but he should not be allowed to serve his sentence in the UK

    he committed his wicked crime in the US and killed US citizens ....he should be left to rot in a US jail

  10. i expect now he will try any trick in the book to get an easy ride!

    I hope his new neighbours give him h**l!

  11. I hope not, this lot over here will let him out as soon as possible. Life in the US means life, in the Uk it can be as little as 9 years. The do gooders will begin to look at ways to get him out withion days of him coming back. Let him rot out there.

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