
Do you think New Zealanders have different look to australians?

by Guest67349  |  earlier

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This is me. I have lived in aussie most of my life but am now in nz. Both my parents are kiwis so you can say i "look" like a kiwi. I find kiwis look more like the poms with big noses etc. lol

What do you guys reckon. Aussies look more bogin




  1. I was born  and raised in Australia, now living in New Zealand.

    I think there is a different look to them - the typical true-blue Australian male looks more rugged  - they are more chauvinistic - that's for sure. Generally the Ozzie females are more attractive and out-going - which can show in their appearances. But both countries have such a mix of races - you could probably pick ozzies by the Greek-Italian-Dutch-Yugoslav-South African mix and the NZers by the Asian-Indian-Maori-English-Pacific Island mix!!

  2. same same but different

  3. they do have a different look between them but im not too sure what it is

  4. kiwis kinda look a little more introverted whereas aussies look 'louder' and more confident and this shows in their physical appearances through their expressions etc. but i havent noticed any larger noses LOL =)

  5. You look normal to me, i would have expected you to have darker skin as aussie's are generally really tanned but i think you look like a kiwi. Only because you dont have blonde hair and a really dark tan like many stereotypial surfer type aussie's have.

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