
Do you think Newtons cradle would work with more then 4 balls?

by  |  earlier

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And why do you think so?




  1. Now you know you are inviting numerous ball jokes!  Seriously I never thought about it, but I don't know why not, unless the energy level decreases with distance.

  2. And why do you think so???

  3. The world's largest Newton's Cradle is owned by The Geek Group in Kalamazoo, Michigan. It's a set of 20 matched, 15 pound bowling balls, suspended from 20 foot cables. The balls hang 3 feet off the floor.

  4. If the balls are perfectly lined up, it should work with any number of perfectly elastic balls. However, any slight misalignment will be amplified each time the energy is transferred to the next ball in the line; so it is very difficult to make it work with more than 4 balls.  

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