
Do you think OHIP should begin paying to s*x changes again?

by  |  earlier

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according to CTV news, they're thinking about it...




  1. I think they should if the person had any gender ambiguity at birth. People like that should have the right to choose their own gender. If they're a biologically normal man or woman and they want to change, in that case I don't see why tax payers should pay for it.

  2. It is a valid treatment for a mental disorder.  I don't think transsexuals would like that classification though.

  3. What are the latest findings about how transgenders do after their surgeries?  The report I heard from a decade ago was the majority are no happier after reassignment surgery than before.  Maybe they just weren't asking the right questions before.  I'd base my answer on the majority of the results to date.

  4. They do in BC   not my idea

  5. Well seeing as, in all fairness, its not a top priority surgical operation, I think there should be *some* fee added to the subsidised procedure.

    Basically, I think they should cover it, but charge an extra payment that is incurred by the patient. This money could go to other things.

  6. I am on the fence on this one. Technically it is now considered a cosmetic surgery...........I believe hormone treatments and such should be covered though, as you would be taking them to correct "natures" mistake, just like with any other "illness" or malady. I use those terms loosely, for lack of better ones. Perhaps before making the complete surgery covered, they could maybe cover ALL dental and prescriptions for everyone.....that would be nice.

  7. That is a big waste of our provinces healthcare money I hope some normal people will intervene and not allow this to happen!!

  8. yes, but they should put their focus on stuff that affects more people (including trans people) like dental and eye care (since many trans people are poor and don't have insurance to cover it)

  9. No I do not.  I believe that medical coverage should be for keeping people well.  A s*x change may make some people happier, but I believe that should be a personal choice and pay out of pocket.  So many things that SHOULD be paid for by OHIP are not-basic dental and eye care, hearing tests for communities that do not have an audiologist, people who cannot have children because of a medical condition or who have addictions that need to be treated etc

    Let's work on those sorts of things and lessening wait times for cancer treatments etc before we even think about adding things like this to coverage.  (or just getting more doctors and nurses in places that need them) is the site...I found it finally

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