
Do you think Obam's entrance tomorrow is over kill? A Greek like stage setting in a stadium.?

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Is there any wonder why he is being called a celeb and elitist?




  1. Nope.

    As for whom is the celebrity, McCain has 6 appearances on The Daily Show, 1 on David Letterman, hosted Saturday Night Live, and made several other appearances on other TV shows and movies, since 2001.

    Me thinks McCain doth protest too much.

  2. Yeah, it is a little over the top.  Obama is just the rock star candidate of this election, so the DNC needs to play that tune to the Young Voters for a while.  There is no guarantee, however, that his speech will convince some of the Conservative Democrats, whom supported Hillary Clinton and are too poor to make it to Denver, to jump over into his boat.  But, I guess you have to do what's important for your party, and not the voters, these days.

  3. Hey Paul, can you picture the bronze God Obama entering the Stadium in a military tank with a helmet on, ala Dukakis!!  HA!

    Or, how about they shoot him out of a cannon??  BOOM!!

    One thing is for sure though, there will be no saying of the Pledge of Allegiance at that boy's nomination!!!

  4. Even if he can't fill it, they will photo-shop it to make the place look full. Hail Caesar Obama, Emperor to all the lands of the know world!!

  5. The only thing Greek about him is what he and Larry Sinclair did.

  6. McCain plans on crash landing his 6th plane into the republican convention hall.

    Now that's an entrance!!

  7. Everything this guy does is over-kill.  But seriously, they couldn't have it in the convention hall.  The building is not big enough to hold his enormous ego-swelled head.  I'm just worried about the people in the stadium in case his head actually explodes and takes half of them out.

  8. Its a stadium... and if they can fill it, its definitely not overkill.  

    One of my favorite moments from this campaign:  When GHW Bush was asked what he thought of Obama's plans to speak before a crowd of 200k in Berlin, he replied: Just jealous is all!

    I love that he has a sense of humor.  Bush 41, keeping it real!

  9. At least their taste in Star Trek episodes has improved.  While their “sign of progress”

    was lifted from one of the dumbest entries in the original-series catalog,

    this set comes straight from one of their more intriguing episodes, “Who Mourns For Adonis?”

  10. I herd he is going to be lowered from a cloud into the stage.

  11. What a waste of money for a person who won't end up being a President!  Every day his poll numbers plummet.  Is it any wonder?

    As progressive as he is, you'd think that he'd take some pointers from the Frank Lloyd Wright types and at least embrace some modern architecture and not that old worn out garbage.  Of course that wouldn't make him look so "Messiah-like".

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