
Do you think Obama's agreement on same s*x marriage will cause an outburst of g**s to b known and get married?

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I think if he gets elected (and I'm pulling for him, just this thing i was wondering about), I feel like g**s will definitely use this as an excuse to be known and get married everywhere since it sounds like same s*x marriage will be legal (which I am against). What do you think?




  1. Here is what Dr. Jack Wheeler wrote about Obama.  I agree with him.

    The O-man, Barack Hussein Obama, is an eloquently tailored empty suit. No resume, no accomplishments, no experience, no original ideas, no understanding of how the economy works, no understanding of how the world works, nothing but abstract empty rhetoric devoid of real substance.

    He has no real identity. He is half-white, which he rejects. The rest of him is mostly Arab, which he hides but is disclosed by his non-African Arabic surname and his Arabic first and middle names as a way to triply proclaim his Arabic parentage to people in Kenya . Only a small part of him is African Black from his Luo grandmother, which he pretends he is exclusively.

    What he isn't, not a genetic drop of, is 'African-American,' the descendant of enslaved Africans brought to America chained in slave ships. He hasn't a single ancestor who was a slave. Instead, his Arab ancestors were slave owners. Slave-trading was the main Arab business in East Africa for centuries until the British ended it.

    Let that sink in: Obama is not the descendant of slaves, he is the descendant of slave owners. Thus he makes the perfect Liberal Messiah.

    It's something Hillary doesn't understand - how some complete neophyte came out of the blue and stole the Dem nomination from her. Obamamania is beyond politics and reason. It is a true religious cult, whose adherents reject Christianity yet still believe inOriginal Sin, transferring it from the evil of being human to the evil of being white.

    Thus Obama has become the white liberals' Christ, offering absolution from the Sin of Being White. There is no reason or logic behind it, no faults or flaws of his can diminish it, no arguments Hillary could make of any kind can be effective against it. The absurdity of Hypocrisy Clothed In Human Flesh being their Savior is all the more cause for liberals to worship him: Credo quia absurdum, I believe it because it is absurd.

    Thank heavens that the voting majority of Americans remain Christian and are in no desperate need of a phony savior.

    His candidacy is ridiculous and should not be taken seriously by any thinking American.

  2. There's still such prejudice against people who love people of the same s*x.  

    It would be wonderful if people would have the strength to say to the world, "I love this person and I want to honor them by announcing to to world that I will stay true to our relationship."

    There will be some g**s that will get married.  But I don't see an outburst of g**s coming out of the closet.

  3. Who cares?  I am FOR g*y marriage & very glad it's legalized in my State (CA) now.  What's better?  McCain's VP who wants us living in a World where a child who has been raped can't get an abortion & we all go around shooting defenseless animals in the head because it's so much FUN?  No thanks!  I'll take the g**s.

  4. Politicians just want votes.  They don't care what they have to say or do to get them.  It is all about sell out.  Most of them don't believe or agree,  with the things they them self say.

  5. OK  now first put your mind set to your OWN rights as a human being. OK, is your mind there yet? ;-)   Say you like to drink beer.  IF your not 21, can you honestly say you didn't  or haven't had a beer?  The law states you have to be 21. ( Right now SD state College officals are trying to drop it here to 18).  Anyways, what I'm saying or trying to, this law was passed because mothers were yelling about their children being killed by drunk drivers.    They got the law passed to 21  right?

    Well, who cares if the g**s are to "be known"?  I know several g**s  and none of them HIDE who they are!!   Look at Ellen.......she has a tv show  and she just finally had her wedding.   I guess I don't understand why it wouldn't be ok to be known    you and I don't mind being "known".     ''

    I don't think you know enough about the g*y life style or even marriage to be asking this question.  Or may be the way you asked it.

    Pretty soon there will be more g*y politicains  or more will finally come out  and the laws will be changed.  They change everyday  for every every other thing, so why not for the rights of 2 people the same s*x, who love each other, to make VOWS just like the straight man does, and be allowed to marry.  

    Next thing you know, all the straight people will try passing a d**n law saying once a g*y person is married, they can't get divorced!!!

    LOL  h**l, how many people have been divorced??  

  6. I agree with Chrystal.  As for your question, yes.  All the g**s will be happy to get married, finally.  You didn't ask my opinion on g*y marriage but I will tell you this; I have a g*y uncle.  He is 81 years old and has had many deep loving relationships without marriage.  But my grandchildren are going to be brought up in a world where it's the norm to marry someone of the same s*x.  What's the point?

  7. and why shouldn't they, live and let live that's the motto every one should live by. Why should you have a happy life but deny any one else the chance of having a happy life living it the way they want to. What harm does it do to you, and really do you think they care whether you agree with them or not. Get yourself a life and stop trying to live theirs for them.  

  8. Very interesting; and scary.

  9. I think that if same s*x couples want to get married they should be able to. I also think that there aren't that many g*y/L*****n people who hide their sexuality anymore and if they do it is usually because of family issues more so than social issues.

    But in this time of economic disaster, war, and social distress, I think the issue of same s*x marriage is the last thing anyone should use as a a political issue.

  10. An outburst? Um no. What do you care anyway? Other people's lovelives are none of your business.

  11. I dont know what you mean by "b known" but yes there will be people who have wanted to get married that will if it were to be legalized. But I think the individual states have the right, at least right now, to acknowledge it or not. I think the bigger issue is why do you care?  

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