
Do you think Obama's appearance on the O'Reilly Factor will give him any boost with conservatives?

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Do you think Obama's appearance on the O'Reilly Factor will give him any boost with conservatives?




  1. Obama is so anti-American there is nothing he can say that will change anyone's mind. Actions speak louder than words. He is a very bad guy, HIllary would be 1 million times better than that Jack***

  2. No, especially after it was all over, he had to go call a news conference to let everyone know how he thought the Republican Convention was going.  We didn't but in and tell him how his should be run.  What makes him think he should put in his advice on what we should be talking about.  It seems to me he just is not liking what he is hearing.  He's had his turn, and he chose his running mate, and now he should be quiet!  We don't need his views, we have very capable people and we tell what we think.  We had to listen to him, now he needs to play fair and sit down.  He probably thought O'Reilly was unfair to him.  Any minute now his pit bulls will show up.

  3. nope hes gonna end up dead

  4. No

  5. nope, no true conservative would EVER vote for Obama

  6. I'd like to see McCain go on Bill Maher's show, quite honestly.  

  7. not at all

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