
Do you think Obama can play hardball w/Russia if he needed to?

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Is Obama ready to protect our country from outside buying the US a piece at a time.?

Will he be a push over for those leaders that do play hardball politics, such as Putin?

That is only one of the reasons that might hold me back from voting for him.

Please do not go on a rant.....just answer...the ???

be not be a blooter.




  1. No.

  2. No...

  3. I think the point is that he wouldn't need to...

    If and when Obama is elected, you will see such a surge in human confidence with the United States that we will be able to once again snap our fingers and make things happen.

    The same cannot be said of Mr. McCain...

  4. Of course he can. Further, Biden will be a huge asset to him and I know he will choose Richardson in some capacity. He will do just fine...

  5. Nope! He'd just press it on his committee or cabinet. Or his new VP Biden.

  6. The title of President is an executive position which means he will preside over a cabinet.  No matter who becomes President will follow after the collective decisions of the cabinet.  The President executes the directives as planned and organized by the cabinet.  Any President that acts on his/her own without planning would be a dictator and would not have the support of his/her cabinet and the government.  Simply said if Obama or McCain were to become President, he would perform as advised by his cabinet.  

  7. Reagan said it best.

  8. Absolutely.  A willingness to negotiate and a strong defensive posture are not mutually exclusive.

  9. Yes, but we can't act unilaterally all the time either

  10. Obama play hard ball? LOL!

    All him and Biden do is flap their jaws.  Talk is cheap.

  11. Is this a joke? Obama? C'mon. His own vice president made jokes about his lack of foreign-. No, no he can't.

  12. Yes.

  13.   Not only hard ball,but basket ball too. seriously,in the history of the united states can you name one president that rolled over and played dead in a time of crisis? They might not handle the sitution to everbodys satisfaction( Rep,Dem) but we've survived so far.I think Obama will do just fine.He's young,compaired to 90% of those in congress,and will bring new ideas to washington.He can't be any worse then what we have now.The republicans have put us in a deep hole and if we don't get them out, they will keep on digging.

  14. No obama is weak minded and would just let them walk all over us

  15. Basket ball may be.

  16. I'm sure most every anti-American nation on the planet is looking forward to BO as leader of the most powerful country in the world. Already leaders of extremist radical groups in the middle east and Asia have said they prefer his lack of worldly experience and decision-making capacity over that of his opponent. No rant here, just para-phrasing his VP choice from comments he made earlier in the primaries.

  17. Russia is kind of unpredictable. It could go either way for either McCain or Obama.


  19. Yes, I think Obama is worldly and is has much wisdom and seeks out information necessary to make  well thought out and informed decisions not on  just on reaction.

    We have already sold out more then half of America to foreign business.

    It is curious that after Putin and Bush met and spoke at the Olympics that Russia pulled its stunt on Georgia, as some form of "test"

    It would be wise for all of our voters to really look at what has been going on and just whom has done what and pro fitted as a result of inflicting a war on a lie from an administration full of corruption.

    I believe Obama will put this country and the interest of its people above other nations, in both short and long term aspects and impacts.  

    I believe and have great concern for the direction of this country and with every  breath I take believe we cant afford to elect the wrong person to be President at this critical time of our  still great nation to continue to exist.

    There is much more then what the media talks about and the way many of our legal policies have been changed to benefit at the expense of  the people of this nation and most folks are not even aware of the degree of changes that have already been changed or have even taken place..

  20. he is too eager to try to do whatever the polls say  . he is too inexperienced  to do the job correctly . think about his credentials .he really is in over his head .as the old saying goes ".if you can't run with the big dogs stay on the porch  " if definitely applies here  . he needs to get some experience and to set some sort of track record as  he is lacking in these areas , than  run for president  

  21. Judging from what he has said about Iran and Russia's incursion into Georgia added to his "we are the world and the USA tortures" speech in Berlin, No.  He looks to be an appeaser like Neville Chamberlain was when England got bombed by the n***s.

  22. NO.  O'bambi will be play dough in Putins hands as Russia revives the old soviet empire.

  23. No no hardball.

    Obama wants the world to disarm nuclear weaponry so I don't think Obama would want to start a conflict or war with a country that actually has WMDs.  Obama's put the Russia perspective in the hands of the UN.

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