
Do you think Obama is a bleeding heart liberal?

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Actually, I don't think so. I think he's one of the finest cue-card readers we've ever seen, and the best D.C. style politician ever in the capital hill.




  1. He is not terribly liberal. His ideas and policies are more to the left of the spectrum however. He does not follow the ideology religiously, he has shown a willingness to compromise and reach across the aisle with this FISA bill.

    I am insulted that you say such things, in that you Republicans can't keep your story straight. If he does something very liberal, you call him a leftist nutbar. If he makes a concession and reaches across the aisle, you call him your average politician. Why the flip flop. I don't see McCain the alleged maverick who votes 95% of the time with Bush making any concessions and he is the average corrupt politician on the hill.

  2. Barack Hussein Obama, is what ever he needs to be for the moment.  His true colors only show when you trace his links to the Rev Wright, and his wife Michele's comments!

  3. He's a full on sweet talking Marxist. American better wake up!

    And McCain isn't much better. Vote for Bob Barr!

  4. I don't think he is I do think he is a way left wing socialist.

  5. No, but he would be better if he were.  But to be a successful politician, you usually have less of a heart.  If any at all.

  6. It depends on who he is talking to at the time.

  7. I think he is a bought and paid for  Marxist .

  8. I think he's a socialist.

  9. I don't think that Obama is a bleeding-heart liberal, nor do I think that McCain is an extremist conservative.  Both candidates are in tune with the general public's frustration with the GOP and the Dem's inability to get anything done and their adopting counterproductive, extremist positions.  They both see that the path to victory involves a more centrist approach.

    I disagree with you about Obama bein the best "D.C. style" politician, however -- he's good, but he doesn't hold a candle to Bill Clinton in that respect.  Love him or hate him, Bill Clinton was an absolute master politician.  Much the same could be said for Ronald Reagan.

  10. He is known to be the most Liberal of any Liberal ever in D.C. and as far as I am concerned,that is all he has going for him,not that being Liberal is something to brag about,and as far as his political style,I must admit that he is a great manipulator of naive people! I am proud to say that he can not manipulate everyone,myself included because there are many of us who are not so naive! He wants change but never pin points what the change will be! I fear that sort of antics!

  11. No. I think he's fairly balanced. He has lived up to a higher standard and deserves to apply his brand of leadership, whether Presidential or not.

  12. Well, they only alternative is to be a heartless conservative. Which do you prefer?

  13. Of course he is! He wants to take money away from hard-working Americans and give it to people who are too lazy to get a job and/or use birth control. (I'm starting to sound like a broken record.) He wants to put cradle-to-grave policies in place. He wants "free" healthcare for everyone. He wants to tell us what lightbulbs we can and can't use.

    Oh, and he wants to use OUR money. When it comes to his own money, he keeps it for himself, as proven by his tax return from last year. He only gave 1% of his salary to charity! Wow! So much for helping the poor and the disadvantaged! He only wants to help them with everyone else's money!

  14. I support Obama. Most of single millioanires and billionaires I met on a m'illionaire d'ating support him. I firmly believe HObama will win the election.

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