
Do you think Obama is experienced enough to deal with the new Russian invasion in Georgia?

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Just Wondering?




  1. Obama is not experienced enough to run a Wendys restaurant.

  2. I don't know but Mccain can't be much better I mean he's about to roll over and die any minute . **** this lets move to Canada !

  3. With his lack of experience, I don't think Barack Obama can plan dinner.

  4. Obama seems to be a honest man who doesn't beat the bush. I think he would simply give a warning for Russia to leave and than if they don't- force em out. Quick and easy.

  5. If this problem is still around after Obama is in the WH then I would think/hope he would have enough experience to realize that the Russian/Georgia incident is not the USA's concern. Let them fight their own war.

  6. Obama?! you must be kidding me!!!

  7. Do you think a violent old man is diligent enough to NOT resort to violence as the first solution?

  8. No! He thinks we need to sit down and talk it out! LOL

  9. I think he's experienced enough to take advisement from the Secretary of Defense and Secretary of State and other cabinet members.  

    Whatever we do, it should not be one person calling the shots.  That's what the downfall of the Bush Administration has been.  It should be a collective effort, with checks and balances.  

  10. Yes. He will keep our noses out of it and focus on getting us out of the rest of the messes that the present administration has got us into. I think he wants freedom for us and does not want us to be the " Supreme world dictator " of the free world. If we can mind our own business instead of everybody Else's we would be way better off. Now we send aid to Georgia, and the people of Katrina still living homeless! I think Obama would take care of the USA first and do a good job. He sure could not possibly do worse.

  11. i'm pretty sure this is Bush's problem.  Bush is the president today, not Obama.  it's only August, i'm sure Russia will leave before the election, therefore it won't be Obama's or McCain's problem

  12. Yes I do and think he would make the right choice and keep our noses out of it. Bush or McCain would get right in the middle of it and here we would go again to war. Look at it this way. If Texas decided to start there own country and took up arms in case the rest of the USA did not like it, would Russia have any business sticking there nose in it? No they would not and we have no place to stick our nose in there affairs either. Obama would handle it well!

  13. you bet ye.

  14. Was Bush experienced enough to deal with 9/11?  No, but the one good thing he has done was rise to that occasion.  No one is experienced enough to deal with a possible Russian conflict and how it will split this world, the possible nuclear fall out, the political consequences....

    You really think McCain can even make it through such an event at his age and with his obviously deteriorating cognitive abilities?

  15. No, he is not.

    But that is beside the point.  The US should have nothing to with "dealing" with a Russian invasion of anywhere.  That's old Cold War thinking.  If you accept the notion that the US should be "dealing" with this, then the US should also be dealing with every other invasion that occurs anywhere, and we would be meddling directly in the affairs of half the countries on the planet, which is obviously stupid.

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