
Do you think Obama is smart enough to realize he lost the "WOMAN'S" votes by grinding hillary to dust?

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And reducing the Clinton machine to dirt?




  1. No!!  He's not that smart or he would have choosen Hillary.

  2. does he realize the person he chose for vp supportes  mccain

  3. I don't think he realizes anything

  4. Do you think Obama is smart enough to realize he lost the "WOMAN'S" votes by grinding hillary to dust?

    And reducing the Clinton machine to dirt?

    WTF? you talkin about bro?

  5. he hasnt lost the womans vote because he's black and black women will vote for him also he's kinda fun and cute so many other women will vote for him and if he wins he will be the first black president i think alot of people admire him for that .  

  6. No. Obama is one of the dumbest politicians out there. He can't string five words together without stuttering when his teleprompter is turned of or he doesn't get the questions beforehand.

  7. Based on voting records, Obama has more women supporters than his opposition. If you're voting solely because the candidate was a woman, then you're just silly. If you're voting for McCain simply because Hillary lost the primary, then you need to rethink your motivations.

    McCain has voted against nearly every women's issue that's come before Congress. Everything from abortion rights to women's health care to equality issues. Plus McCain's attitude towrds women is less than enviable. He treats them like property more than people, especially the women in his personal life.

  8. he didn't lose this women's vote and btw hillary SUCKED on ice. you really think she's interested in help us? HA HA time for a reality check there sweet heart.

  9. No, he didn't lose my vote. I am voting for a President not a person's s*x. I am thrilled with Joe Biden & I voted for Hillary. So I am looking forward to her showing who she really is this week. If I were her & knew I had so much influence I would really make sure people voted for Obama. I am out with the old & in with the new. She will ruin her & Bill's future is she makes the other majority of dems against her & she will do that if she doesn't support him. The democratic party is not about ego it is about spirit. She will show if the poor people she claims to want health care for are really important to her or not cause McCain could care less about children & either can his phoney beer selling wife.

  10. I can bring home the bacon fry it up in a pan and never,never vote for Obama he's just not my kind of man:-)

    always nosnod

  11. I wonder myself.

  12. Well of course- even if he did not, one of his many advisors would suggest the idea- but i believe it is good that he did not choose Hillary Clinton as his running mate. America can only take so much change at a time.

    - Mr. M

  13. .. Are you smart enough to realize that most women are not completely feministic (is that even a word, i'm not sure) to care that he 'grounded' hillary to dust but more interested in the politics behind it.

  14. No, he is not smart enough to be President , maybe a dog catcher  !!!!!

  15. Yes.  Considering he graduated at the top of his class at Harvard.  Remember also that he was not the only one who worked on choosing the VP, it was many members he put together.  How about you get a brain, stop insulting Obama, and learn that your friends, parents and everyone else is MISLEADING you in the wrong direction?

  16. I think it's a chance that Obama took and it might hurt him as a result.  Perhaps he felt that he'd be spending the rest of this campaign trying to clean up dirty laundry, including his own.  

    Ultimately the decision he made isn't going to hurt him, but it won't escalate him either.

  17. Are you smart enough to realize that some women will vote for him, some won't, and that he'll be the next president of the U.S.A.?

  18. By your logic I suppose not.  Are you smart enough to realize that women don't consider Hillary Clinton their deity?  

  19. He not only lost the woman's vote of half the votes pledged to vote democratically but he alienated those millions of Clinton supporters and he did not gain enough vindictive Democratic voters to out weight the damage he has done to his chance to be president he will regret

    this choice for the rest of his life. The voters who wanted Clinton

    and he needed heart in his campaign more than he needed this Biden

    remember Biden's first comment was that Obama was clean and a good representative of the black community. Nice statement huh?

    Barack will make the USA a Obama nation nation yeah right with the clinton vote support his tail is grass and the democratic voters are the mowers. Sit on that B.O. cheers

  20. You are way overstating the case.  All he did was win, he didn't destroy Hillary, he was perfectly polite and civil through the entire campaign.  I say that as a Hillary supporter.  Don't try to sew discord.  We all need to unite behind Obama and hope to Christ he can undo the disaster that this Bush "presidency" has been.  Pray for America, vote Democratic!

  21. will liberals EVER get this right?  SHE LOST!!! and for a good reason.

    why would anyone vote for a conspirator of the clinton..."legacy"


    - The only president ever impeached on grounds of personal malfeasance

    - Most number of convictions and guilty pleas by friends and associates*

    - Most number of cabinet officials to come under criminal investigation

    - Most number of witnesses to flee country or refuse to testify

    - Most number of witnesses to die suddenly

    - First president sued for sexual harassment.

    - Second president accused of rape**

    - First first lady to come under criminal investigation

    - Largest criminal plea agreement in an illegal campaign contribution case

    - First president to establish a legal defense fund.

    - First president to be held in contempt of court

    - Greatest amount of illegal campaign contributions

    - Greatest amount of illegal campaign contributions from abroad

    - First president disbarred from the US Supreme Court and a state court

    * According to our best information, 40 government officials were indicted or convicted in the wake of Watergate. A reader computes that there was a total of 31 Reagan era convictions, including 14 because of Iran-Contra and 16 in the Department of Housing & Urban Development scandal. 47 individuals and businesses associated with the Clinton machine were convicted of or pleaded guilty to crimes with 33 of these occurring during the Clinton administration itself. There were in addition 61 indictments or misdemeanor charges. 14 persons were imprisoned. A key difference between the Clinton story and earlier ones was the number of criminals with whom he was associated before entering the White House.

    Using a far looser standard that included resignations, David R. Simon and D. Stanley Eitzen in Elite Deviance, say that 138 appointees of the Reagan administration either resigned under an ethical cloud or were criminally indicted. Curiously Haynes Johnson uses the same figure but with a different standard in "Sleep-Walking Through History: America in the Reagan Years: "By the end of his term, 138 administration officials had been convicted, had been indicted, or had been the subject of official investigations for official misconduct and/or criminal violations. In terms of number of officials involved, the record of his administration was the worst ever."

    **Selene Walter accused Ronald Reagan of rape 39 years after the alleged assault in the 1950s. No further information is available on this case. The Juanita Broaddrick case involving Bill Clinton was investigated by the congressional impeachment counsel. According to counsel David Shippers those conducting the interview "have assured me that she is the most credible witness that either one of them have ever talked to"


    - Number of Starr-Ray investigation convictions or guilty pleas (including one governor, one associate attorney general and two Clinton business partners): 14

    - Number of Clinton Cabinet members who came under criminal investigation: 5

    - Number of Reagan cabinet members who came under criminal investigation: 4

    - Number of top officials jailed in the Teapot Dome Scandal: 3


    - Number of individuals and businesses associated with the Clinton machine who have been convicted of or pleaded guilty to crimes: 47

    - Number of these convictions during Clinton's presidency: 33

    - Number of indictments/misdemeanor charges: 61

    - Number of congressional witnesses who have pleaded the Fifth Amendment, fled the country to avoid testifying, or (in the case of foreign witnesses) refused to be interviewed: 122


    - Guilty pleas and convictions obtained by Donald Smaltz in cases involving charges of bribery and fraud against former Agriculture Secretary Mike Espy and associated individuals and businesses: 15

    - Acquitted or overturned cases (including Espy): 6

    - Fines and penalties assessed: $11.5 million

    - Amount Tyson Food paid in fines and court costs: $6 million

    your question has no answer as it makes no sense.  common sense is its own reward and this is a rare instance of obamas.

  22. what are they going to do, vote for cheating , wife abusing McCain? I don't think so.

  23. no.

    hes a dummy.

    check this  out:

    some photographers wanted to have  a picture of him on the phone, so they told him to pose with it...

    *snicker* and he wants to be PRESIDENT?

    if he cant hold the phone right, i highly doubt he could do other things correctly.

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