
Do you think Obama planed out the Biden nomination to take some of the heat of of him at the DNC rally?

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And now will let Biden have the rope for McCain cause maybe Obama cant do dirty work himself?




  1. Biden is not only a diversion so Obama can get back on message, he is a diversion that can take care of himself and be the the gift that keeps on giving.

    Biden is a gaffe machine that will keep Republican pundit occupied while Obama takes care of business.

    He is also an insider who can work under the radar where Obama lacks experience.

    Biden is the anti-Cheney.  

  2. Obama did not choose him the Kennedy/Kerry coalition against America did.

  3. i don't know but obama s u k s he is a s l a v e for jews

  4. Obama proved 2 things by picking Biden:

    1) Obama truly is underqualified and inexperienced to be president - therefore Biden would fill in the gaps with his 35 years of political experience.

    2)Obama can look like the "good guy" and have Biden be the bulldog and do the "ugly" work of attacking McCain.

    So Obama - where's the change and fresh perspective you've been bragging about - how can you have change if you choose a 35 year political veteran to be your VP??   Why not choose someone hip and inexperienced as yourself???   Afraid aren't you????

    It's sad to think that Biden is a better presidential candidate than Obama is.  

  5. You make 3 points:

    1) Obama has been planning on nominating Biden for a long time

    2) Obama anticipates heat at the convention and will somehow deflect it toward Biden

    3) Obama chose Biden to do the dirty work against McCain.

    I agree with points 1 and 3.

    I don't think Biden impacts the heat Obama will feel at the convention, if there is any.

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